Chapter 19

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"Luke, give it back" I demanded, trying to reach for it.

He raised it up high, making me have to jump. He was too damn tall.

That stupid breadstick.


I growled and jumped farther but, nothing worked.

"Luke.." I whined. "Give it back please"

"I want to see what you've been reading" he smirked.

I widened my eyes and shook my head so quickly. I jumped more and more.

"Luke!!" I shouted. "Give it back!!"

"Ooh. Feisty" he teased.

"Luke, give it back to the poor girl" Calum argued.

"Luke, I will literally bite you if you don't give her phone back" Angelina glared.

He stopped and he gave it back. I took it back quickly and glared at him.

"You win this time" he grinned, obviously making a joke out of it.

I flipped him off and told him that I was going home. I went to the door and was about to open it when he stopped me.

"I'm sorry" he pouted. "I was just trying to play with you"

I didn't say anything. I shouldn't really overreact. I did tell him to give it back a few times though, which triggered me off.

I sighed and mumbled an 'okay' and went back to the couch to read more.

"I'm bored of FIFA" Calum told Luke. "Let's cuddle"

"Calum, later" Luke whispered.

Angelina and I both looked at each other and mouthed 'Cake is real'.

"Damn right it is" Calum read from our mouths.

We laughed and scooted closer to the boys.

"What do you want to do?" I asked them.


We shrugged and I went to Luke's movie cabinet. I searched and searched until I stumbled upon 'Tangled', one of my favorite movies of all times.

I picked it up and showed them. Of course, Angelina got excited but the boys didn't.

"Come on!!" I protested. "This movie is awesome!!"

They had disgusted faces and I glared at them.

"Fine" I grumbled.

I searched for another movie but, I couldn't find any that I liked. I told them to look and they agreed.

I waited for them while I was reading more fan fiction.

When they finally chose, they showed me. It read 'Unfriended'. I gasped and I nodded my head multiple times.

"I don't like scary movies though" Angelina whined.

"Calum will help you" I winked at Calum and her.

He was about to say something when he shut his mouth and smiled. He sat next to her and grabbed a blanket next to them to wrap it around them.

"I'll get the snacks" Luke said.

I nodded and put the movie in the DVD player. I dimmed all the lights and wrapped myself in a nice, wool blanket. The movie started and I smiled. I was waiting to see this movie but, I couldn't cause' I didn't have any sources to watch it on.

Luke soon came back with popcorn, gummy penguins, bottled waters, and soda.

I immediately grabbed the gummy penguins and started eating them.

"Hey!" Luke shouted. "Those are my penguins!!"

He snatched them back but, I didn't let that happen.

I soon grabbed a handful and plopped it in my mouth. I smiled devilishly at him and he gasped. He glared at me.

"Your punishment will come" he sent shivers down my spine. "Don't worry"

I smirked at him and he brought me closer to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. It stayed like that for the rest of the movie, same goes for Angelina and Calum.

I yawned when the movie was done. Angelina was of course scared but, Calum got her back by hugging her close and whispering sweet things to her ear like they were a couple.

For me though, I was Calum in this case. Luke was not good at scary movies. He was being a pussy basically.

He was more afraid than I was.

"That movie wasn't scary at all" Luke said sarcastically.

"It wasn't!!" I laughed.

He blushed and rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and muttered a 'whatever'. I chuckled and Ruffles his hair.

"It's okay" I smiled. "It was fun"

He smiled back with his beautiful straight teeth. He looked at me with his beautiful bright eyes and his messy hair was in the right positions.

"Here we go again" Calum rolled his eyes and we both blushed.

"They always have those moments" he threw his hands in the air. "Like, are you going to kiss or what?"

We widened our eyes and we both looked at each other. I mean, it was tempting but, I still thought it was too early.

He just got back 3 days ago.

"I know right!!" Angelina agreed.

They both smiled at each other and then both looked at us.


"I- uhm- I" I stuttered.

What do I say to that? Do I just go for it? What do I do?

That's when 2 palms went on each side of my cheeks. I looked at him and he leaned on me.

His lips pressed against mine. I widened my eyes, not knowing what to do since I never got my first kiss before (AN: true story) I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I read this sort of stuff on fan fictions and I assuming this is how you do it?

Our lips moved in sync and I heard an 'ew' and 'awe's'.

We both pulled away and we both looked at each other, with our mouths open. I breathed heavily as kissing knocked the wind out of me.

"You're my first kiss" I breathed.

"I know" he smiled. "And I am glad"

We hugged and he kissed me once more on the lips.

Is this a way of confessing that you like someone?

Did he even like me?

Or is this a joke?

Many questions ran through my mind but, it didn't matter to me right now.

What mattered was this warm and weird feeling on my stomach, the goosebumps that formed on my arms and legs, and the heat rising on my cheeks.

I just got my first kiss on the boy I liked for many years.

And I don't regret it like other people when they get their first kiss.

I enjoyed mine. A lot.

And that's how it went for the rest of the night.

Gaaaaahh!! I hope you like this one. Idk. I kind of really like this one. I think I did a good job on this one.

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