Chapter 54

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Prepare for a lot of shit to happen.

It's going to suck.

~1 month later~

"I'm so sad that you have to go back to school" Luke hugged me. "You can just stay in my room for the rest of the school year and just survive off of hugs and kisses"

You heard Luke.

I'm going back to school.

The place where Hell is held, where all my bullies and the 'Regina George's' are at. You already know my past from it.

What's worse is that I have no one now since Eva and I had a fight and she's a bitch. No one likes me at school. No one has even tried to talk to me in years.

I sighed and lied my head against Luke's shoulder.

"I don't have anyone though" I muttered. "Who will sit with me while I am eating my lunch? Who would talk to me?"

"Well, there's Michael's girlfriend, Ivory"

"I think she doesn't like me" I muttered.

"What? No!! Of course not" Luke wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down to his bed. "In fact, she thinks you don't like her. She's afraid to talk to you"

"Really?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really" he grinned.

I sighed.

"I don't know, Luke. She might not even be in my classes. Plus, you won't even be there" I sighed.

Without Luke, I'm weak. Super weak. I can't even defend for myself and I try to change it, but I just can't.

"How about I meet with you everyday for lunch?" Luke suggested.

"I don't know.. People might make fun of me more"

"Why? I think girls would love to have me as their boyfriend" Luke wiggled his eyebrows.

I laughed and pinched his cheeks. My smile soon faltered.

"It's not that" I told him. "They will think that I am weak, which I am, and then a lot of girls will go for you and flirt for you"

"We can go into our secret hiding place"

Luke and I used to go to our "secret hiding place", which was behind the school and behind a tree. Ever since Luke left, they tore that tree down and filled it with lunch tables.

"Luke, they tore it down to put more lunch tables" I told him.

"Well, who cares? Let them flirt with me or whatever, I still love you" He kissed my cheek.

"I love you too"


The next day

"Ready for school?"

"Yes, mom" I sighed, looking at my outfit, maroon sweater with black skinny jeans. I tied my hair into a messy bun to complete the look.

"Have fun" she kissed me on the cheek and went upstairs. I sighed and grabbed myself an apple.

I grabbed my bag and put on my combat boots. I opened the door and screamed.

"I'm so sorry, baby" Luke pulled me into his arms. "I didn't mean to scare you"

"It's okay" I wrapped my arms around him. "Just wait at the sidewalk"

After what seemed like forever, I sighed. He held out his hand, signaling that it's time to go. I got hesitant until I finally intertwined my fingers with his. He smiled and I blushed.

We walked to school since school wasn't too far. Sadly, Luke is not going to school because there is a slight chance that he might go on tour again for a very long time. I don't even know it would work out if we are going to long distance.

We reached at school and I widened my eyes. There seemed to be a lot more people than last time. Then again, it is a new school year. I squeezed Luke's hand and he gently squeezed back.

Looks of disgust and mean glares shot at me. I looked down and just shuffled my feet. I was soon pushed down and I heard laughters behind me. A tear fell out of my eye.

"Baby, are you okay?" Luke held out his hand. I nodded and took his hand.

"That's just the beginning"


After Luke left, I went to my regular classes. I had to deal with pushing, kicking, and punching. I cried a lot because I was weak. I couldn't fight back.

That's what I hate about myself. I can't fight back. I am so weak. I can't even look at them. I put my head in my hands for the rest of the class.

When it was finally lunch, I was running basically, until someone pulled my hair back and made my back slam to the floor. I yelped in pain as I saw people started to gather around.

"Missed me?"

I widened my eyes and froze. My breath hitched. I got up real quick and turned around, trying not to see her horrible face. She grabbed my hand and pushed me down again.

"No, bitch" Tiffany growled. "You stay"

People started to mutter. No one even dared to help me. Some of them gave sympathetic looks, some gave me glares, some didn't even care.

Her minions came behind her. All fake like her. They had snotty looks and I just wanted to rip their faces off.

Her minion, Stephanie, started first. She kicked me in the stomach with her high heels. My breath started to hitch and I grabbed my stomach. I looked up and found Miranda, her other minion, punching me.

My whole body was surrounded with kicks, punches, pushes, every violent action that could possibly hurt me. Everybody that watched me, just stood there. No one bothered to help me. I started to cry.

I looked up, and saw Eva kicking me and punching me. She looked exactly like one of them.

"That's what you get bitch!!" She yelled.

Not only punches and kicks, but words too.



"Ugly trash!!"

"No one likes you!!"

"Just die already!!"

I saw blood on the floor as I coughed of the blood. I was so weak. I couldn't even fight back.

When they were done, I found Tiffany, Eva, and all of them smirking. They blew me kisses and sauntered away.

Everything started to turn black and I soon fainted.

HEYY!! So, I know it's not a big twist or whatever but yeah!!

I was planning on having a Christmas part, but then I totally forgot, but I probably will in like 10 chapters lolz sorry.

Well, merry early Christmas? I might update before Christmas but whatever.

Q: Are you excited for Christmas?


I hope you like this chapter :)

P.S. I reached 2k on my Instagram. Thank you guys, whoever follows me. :)

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