Chapter 43

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I woke up to clanging of pans from downstairs. I groaned and got up to tell them to shut up.

"Hey! Can you please be qu-" I interrupted myself when I saw my dad pop his head out of the kitchen and smile at me.


I ran down the steps and jumped on to him, almost making him fall over. I let go and looked at him. He looked sorta different. He had a few more grey hairs, but other than that, it seems like he hasn't aged a bit.

"How are you, sweetie?" He asked me, grinning.

"Good!! How are you? How was the U.S?"

"It was amazing, but over here, it's way better" he chuckled.

"Why were their clanging pots?" I asked him.

"I was planning on surprising you guys with breakfast, but I sorta dropped them"

I laughed and patted him on the back.

"You need to rest from all of this jet lag!! Go upstairs to mom" I informed him.

"Alright, alright" he chuckled. He grabbed his suitcase and waved at me.

I waved back and he went upstairs. I plopped myself on the couch and I heard our house phone ring. I furrowed my eyebrows since we never use our home phone. Getting up to go and get the phone, I answered it.

"Hello? Is this Flora?" An unfamiliar girl voice.

"Yes? Who is this?" I asked the person.

"Oh my God hi!! You're Luke's girlfriend right?"

"Um who are y-"

"She is, Bella!! I know it is her!!"

"Um who ar-"

"We know you love Luke, but back off. He's mine"

"Bella, you can't say that!!" I heard another voice said. "She's way better than Acacia"

"Um. I'm gotta go.."

"Luke is mine though!! Shut up, Portia!! He doesn't like your fake ass"

"I'm sorry, but you are being very disrespectful right now. You can't just call someone and throw hate at them" I growled.

"Sorry, bitch"

"Can you just shut up? How am I a bitch or a slut?" Each and every word that I said made me angrier and angrier.

There was a silence until I heard 'Portia' speak again.

"Bella, just leave the fuck her alone!! She hasn't done anything to you!!"

And that's when I heard the dead silence of the phone.

Okay, what the fuck just happened?

I put the phone down and tried to comprehend what just happened. Grabbing my phone from the kitchen that I left from last night, I unlocked and tapped on Luke's number.

It rang a few times before I heard a beautiful morning voice.

"H-Hello..?" A morning voice Luke said groggily.

Your voice is hot.

"I heard that" he chuckled.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did" he laughed.

I face palmed myself and laughed.

"Come to my house please" he moaned.

"My dad just came home" I told him.

"Happy for your dad, but please.. I need you" he whined.

Maybe my dad won't mind.. Right?

"Fine okay. Be at your in 5" I hung up before he could say anything.

"I will be at Luke's house!!" I yelled.

"Okay!! Be back at 1!!" My dad shouted back.

I grabbed my coat, not bothering to change out of my white tank top and my poop-emoji pants. I put my hair in a messy bun and grabbed a coat. I grabbed my keys and put on my bunny slippers.

I walked to Luke's house, knocking on the door when I reached there. The door revealed the one and only, Jack Hemmings.

"Oh hey, Jack" I nervously said, feeling really embarrassed that he is seeing me in my pajamas.

The familiar face that I remember from 5 years ago who used to treat me like his little sister. He looked almost exactly like Luke. Same scruff, same hair, same blue eyes. He wore a black shirt and just some old washed up blue jeans.

"Hey, Flora" he smiled as he engulfed me in a hug.

"Hi" I smiled back.

"So, I heard that you and my little brother are dating now" he crossed his arms after the hug.

"Heh.. Yeah.." I scratched behind my neck.

He put his hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"I knew it from the start" he smiled.

I smiled back, nervously though.

"He's upstairs waiting for you" Jack grinned, and moved to the side so I could get in.

"Thanks, Jack" I thanked him, going upstairs.

"Don't do anything dirty~" Jack sang.

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to go upstairs to Luke's room.

I knocked on his door and I heard him groan. Hearing footsteps to the door, the door opened to reveal a really messy-haired, shirtless with sweatpants on, and a scruffy-bearded Luke.

I almost fainted and melted in that spot. My jaw was wide open until he chuckled. Blushing furiously, he let me in.

"Like what you see?" He chuckled.

"Shut up" I flicked him on the head.

"Ow.." He rubbed his temple.

He wrapped his big biceps around me and pinned me to the bed.

"Luke.." I whined. "Get off of me"

"Nope" he said, popping the 'p'.

I tried to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong. He looked at me with his beautiful light blue eyes. His eyes filled with lust and anticipation. He smirked and kissed me on the lips.

Still pinning me down with his both of his legs on the each side of my body, our lips moved in sync. He soon moved his arms and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me up into his lap.

My arms wrapped around his neck, but my fingers are still going threw his messy blonde hair. Moving my head to the side a little bit so we can make the kiss deeper and full of more lust, he nibbled and licked on my lip, asking for an entrance. I moaned a bit.

I pulled away and widened my eyes.

"What?" He asked me, worryingly.

"What.. Was that? Did I just moaned?" I asked myself.

"I thought it was hot" he smirked.

"Shut up" I smiled and we continued to kiss.

oo, this got heated real quick. I never wrote like this before. But do you guys like it? I don't know.

Q: What's your favorite TV show?

A: AHS, Pretty Little Liars, and Switched at birth.

Hope you like this chapter :)

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