Chapter 29

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After watching the whole first season of American Horror Story, Michael fell asleep on my shoulder, his arms wrapped around me.

I looked at the clock on wall.


Oh shit.

I tried to pry Michael off of me but, his arms held tight around me. I sat there, thinking what to do.

I didn't want to wake up the kitten. He looked so calm. I had an idea.

I grabbed a pillow and tried to take his arms and wrap it around it. It worked.

I quietly went to the kitchen to get my phone and I saw 11 missed calls from my mom.

I'm so dead.

Shakily, I grabbed my phone and pressed call. It rang 2 times before I heard my mom scowling at me.

"FLORA?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" She screamed.

She began to ramble on how worried sick she was and that I never told her where I was going and bla bla bla bla.

"Mom. I'm okay" I groaned after her little mini lesson to always call her and that shouldn't just run like that.

"I just went to Michael's house and we just watched shows together" I explained. "He took away my phone so I wouldn't get on it during the shows. That's why I didn't answer you"

"Okay.. But don't do that ever again" she sighed.

I heard Michael yawn and I looked at him. The kitten rubbed his eyes and silently asked who I was talking to.

I mouthed 'My mom' and he nodded.

"Okay mom" I said.

"I will pick you up" my mom said.

"No no!! It's okay!!" I practically shouted.

"You can stay at my place" Michael moaned, feeling super sleepy when he said that.

"Michael said I can stay at his place" I told my mom.

"Is his mom there?" My mom asked.

"She's working tonight" I replied.

"As long as it's not a disturbance, then you can stay" she sighed again.

I cheered and told her goodnight and that I would be back tomorrow at 12.

We both hung up and I told Michael.

"FUCK YEAH!!" He screamed.

He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around his.

"Season 2?"

"Season 2"


I woke up, groggily. I hear the calm snore of Michael next to me. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked at Michael. His limbs were in weird directions and he was half on the couch and half on the floor.

I sat up and moved the pizza box that we literally ate in 3 seconds on to the floor. I went to the bathroom to wash my face.

Dammit. I don't have a toothbrush. I looked around to see any mouth wash. Luckily, I found one.

I washed my face and mouth washed my mouth and head to the kitchen.

Michael was still in odd directions and still sound asleep on the floor or couch.. I don't know even know.

I went to Michael and just sat next to me, not knowing what to do. I could get on my phone and look through Twitter, but I could see more hate.

I guess I could read more fan fictions cause' they are life.

I grabbed my phone off the table and checked what time it was.


I guess it's still pretty early. Funny, cause' I need wake up this early.

I went on WattPad and continued to read 'The Bassit Next Door', until I heard sudden movements outside.

I looked behind me and saw just bushes outside the window. They began to shuffle and I jumped.

Oh shit.

I went to the window to the window and saw nothing. There were more shuffling and I fucking got a pillow and my phone ready to kill a bitch.

The bush began to shuffle more and a little squirrel came out. I sighed and turned around to see Michael staring at me, really close to my face.

"OH FUCK!!" I screamed.

I threw my phone against the wall and kicked Michael straight in the balls. My phone made a huge bang against the wall, probably cracking my phone screen.

"What the fuck, Flora?" He groaned, holding the place where it doesn't shine.

"I'M SO SORRY, MICHAEL!! I didn't see you!!" I apologized, kneeling down next to him as he groaned in pain.

"Yeah, I noticed" he groaned.

"Do you need an ice pack.. For um.. Your balls?" I asked him, awkwardly.


I went up and went to the fridge to get an ice pack.

I gave it to him and he put it on his crotch.

"Thanks" he mumbled.

I sheepishly smiled at him and went to grab my phone, scared to turn it over.

I turned it over and I winced. The screen was definitely cracked. A long cracked line went across the screen and there were some small chipped edges at each corner of the phone.

"Not as bad as mine" Michael muttered. He showed me his and damn, I was lucky not to have a phone like his.

His phone was so cracked that the crack looked like a spider web.

I winced at him and mumbled an 'I know' before putting it back on his pocket.

"What were you looking at?" He asked and winced because of the cold pain on his.. you know what.

"I heard shuffling outside, but it turned out to be squirrel" I told him.

"Or paparazzi. They always come here and it's so annoying that we have to call the cops all the time" he informed, grabbing leftover pizza and ate it.

"Wait, what?" I looked at him with wide eyes and he nodded.

"All the time.. And since you and Luke are dating, the paparazzi is going to assume that you and I are dating" he groaned but, the corner of my eye, I could see him blush a bit, which is weird.

"Shit, dude" I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Great, I'm going to be called a '5SOS slut'" I face-palmed. "How are we going to fix this?"

We sat there in silence, thinking to ourselves. Michael stopped and widened his eyes.

"I have an idea"

HI!! I was begged to update by Angelina :) so I updated. First day of school was.. Interesting. It wasn't bad but, I still miss Angie and I can't live without her. ;( I miss you Angie. :( well I hope you like this one!!

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