Chapter 56

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Angelina P.O.V

"Yeah, I will meet you there. I just have to call someone back" I smiled at my new friends. They nodded and walked to the lunchroom.

I took out my phone and dialed Calum's number since he tried to call me numerous times in the middle of school. I looked at my new uniform and smoothed it out as I waited for Calum's phone to pick up. After 3 rings, he finally did.

"Calum, what the hell do you wa-"

"Get to the hospital right now" he demanded on the phone. I could tell he was breaking by his squeaks and his nervousness.

"What? Why? What ha-"

"Luke and Flora got into a car crash"


Calum's P.O.V

I paced around the waiting room, waiting for an answer. It seemed like it has been hours, months, years, but it was only 20 minutes. I waited for Michael and my girlfriend, Angelina to come. Ashton was pacing with me, looking more furious and sad.

I nibbled on my lip because it helps me focus. The doors to the hospital opened and I saw Angelina run in. She looked at me, tears running down her face. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her up so she was floating off the ground.

I kissed her forehead and whispered sweet things to her ear.

"It's going to be alright, kiwi" I whispered, saying her nickname I gave her to calm her down.

"I hope Flora and Luke are okay" she sobbed into my shirt. "I don't want her and Luke to die"

"I don't either" I sighed.


Michael's P.O.V

I was slightly pissed. Where was my girlfriend all this time? Flora is one of my best friends and Ivory knows how much I love her, as in a friend. I texted Ivory.

To: Ivory, my baby
From: Me

Meet me at the hospital. Flora and Luke are hurt.

She didn't reply until 10 minutes later.

To: Me
From: Ivory, my baby

I can't, Michael. I'm at school, but I will come as soon as possible when I get out.

I didn't reply, instead I grabbed my jacket and head out of the door. The hospital wasn't too far. Only 10 minutes so it didn't take long to find Ashton looking angry and Calum and Angelina hugging and crying into each other's arms.

I went up to Ashton, but he completely ignored me.

"Ashton" I put my hand on his shoulder, but he just kept pacing.

"Ashton" I repeated.


I said his name a million times until Icompletely yelled at him, making the people around us stare at us weirdly.

"What happen they die? The car crash was really bad. I don't want them to die. They're my best friends" Ashton turned around to look at the TV, which showed the car crash that Luke and Flora were in. The cars in the front were all smashed and the on the right side, there was a big dent. The windows were all shattered and I could see that the seats had blood on them.

"Ashton, stop looking at that" I told him. "It's going to make it worse"

I put a hand on his back and gestured him to the seat. He nodded and sat down, head in his hands.

"Give deep breaths" I rubbed his back.

Ashton gave a big inhale and exhale. I smiled at him and he looked at me. He gave me a small smile and continued to look down.

"Thanks, Michael. I need that" Ashton looked up at me and then look down.

"Here to help"

It was silent. All I could hear is Angelina's sob and the lady at the front desk typing. The silence was killing me. I decided to stand up and walk over to the lady at the front desk.

She gave me a fake smile and put her hands away from the desk. The lady didn't look older than 50, but she definitely didn't look younger than 30.

"How may I help you?" She asked sweetly, but I could tell it was faker than Kim K's tan.

"Hi, do you know if Luke Hemmings and Flora Peters is okay?"

"Hmm.." She typed some things in her computer, sighing that my existence is right here in front of her.

"They are in surgery right now. They will tell you in an hour"

I said thanks and went back to my seat. I sighed. I looked at Ashton and I saw that he had earphones on. Calum and Angelina finally sat down and they were just whispering things.

Flora's and Luke's mom came 30 minutes later, crying in each other's arm when they found out. This scene was tragic and horrible. I groaned in my hands.

After what seemed like forever, Ivory came. She came running to me and I hugged her. She looked terrified.

"Any news?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my neck. I shook my head. She sighed.

"This sucks"

"I kn-" Suddenly, the door bursted open.

"Anyone here for Mr. Hemmings and Ms. Peters?" The doctor announced.

We got up and literally ran to the doctor.

"Are you family and friends?"

We nodded and the doctor sighed.

"I have bad and good news for both of them" the doctor, Dr. Ken, told us.

"Well, Mr. Hemmings, he is fine and good, but there is some problems" he continued. "Glass went in his head and poked a part of his brain where all his memories are kept"

"Wait, it's gone.. Forever?" Ashton struggled to ask that question. We all were.

"No.. But in the recent months. He will forget everything that you guys did in this past months" the doctor replied.

"Do you know.. How many?" I asked him.

"Around 5 or more" he sighed. "For Flora, it's worse"

My heart quickened. Our faces got paler and I was gripping Ivory's hand. I can't believe this is happening to both of my best friends. I just want to tell myself that this is a dream and that when I wake up, it would be normal, but I know that this isn't a dream, this isn't one of my nightmares, it's reality.

"She is in critical condition, since she lost a lot of blood. It seemed that she was beaten up somehow before the crash so that's what made her come into a coma"

Everybody gasped and Mrs. Peters started to sob loudly. I gripped Ivory's hand tighter and started to tear up as well. Angelina and Calum didn't take it good. Ashton, he just stayed there, firm, no emotion whatsoever.

"Is s-she going t-to d-die?" Angelina asked.

"There is a 30% chance, but most likely not. I don't know how long the coma is, but I don't think she's going to wake up until a week from now. It could be weeks or months" the doctor sighed. "You can visit Luke in 30 minutes. I'm truly sorry"

The doctor walked off and he just left us stranded. Eyes closed, all I see is good times disappearing.

wow merry christmas?

yeah I'm sorry this sucked but I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas :)

Q: what did you get?

A: I got a 5SOS hoodie and other stuff but we are going to return them so it doesn't matter  :) I'm already spoiled enough so I don't need much.

Merrrryy Christmas. :)

Ily and I hope you like this chapter :)

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