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"This bitch has lost her fucking mind." Taylor said as she looked over at Karlie who couldn't believe what they just saw.

"Tay, I don't even know what to say right now. I'm just shocked that she'd have the balls to even send this to us. Taylor, I know she commented about the the good times we had together. Babe, I neve-..."

"Karlie, I know nothing happened." Taylor cupped her wife's face and said, "I trust you. I'm just so fucking pissed right now. I just don't understand how a person can do something like this. I didn't think we'd ever hear from this psycho ever again. I'm calling my lawyer. I want to know what action we can take against her."

"Let's just drop it babe. If we get all riled up and start something, then she knows that she won and I refuse to give her that satisfaction." Karlie said. "We're happy. She can try all she wants to come in between us but it'll never happen." Karlie grabbed Taylor's waist. "It's all about me and you baby, let's just destroy the video and start our research on fertility doctors. We have a baby to plan for."

Taylor loved how cute Karlie was in this moment and wrapped her arms around her neck. "I love you Karlie. I'm still pissed about Gigi and trust me, that bitch WILL get hers, but you're right. It's all about us and we will never let anyone come between us."

"Come on hot stuff, let's go unpack." Karlie said as she slapped Taylor's ass and grabbed their luggage as she made her way to the staircase. Karlie turned around and said, "You coming?"

"Not right now, but I will be soon." Taylor said as she grabbed one of the bags out of Karlie's hands and walked past her up the stairs.


The girls finished unpacking as they sat down together on the bed and began their doctor search. "Geez, there's so many fertility clinics. Where do we even begin?" Karlie said as she wrote down the name of another clinic Taylor read off.

"Let's just start calling now." Taylor replied.

Taylor called the first clinic and set up an appointment in two hours.

They made their way to the clinic to go over the details of the egg transfer.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Jones and I'll go over the entire process with you. Now, I saw in your paperwork you filled out that there are already eggs that have been frozen. Is that correct?"

"Yes. Karlie said. About a month ago twenty eggs were removed from me and frozen."

"May I ask why you froze them at such a young age?" The doctor asked.

"I was diagnosed with uterine cancer and needed a total hysterectomy."

"Ok, I completely understand. Where are the eggs currently?"

"I had the procedure done in LA."

"My suggestion would be to have the transfer done in LA. I wouldn't risk having the eggs flown to NY. The less complications, the better." Dr. Jones said.
"However, I'll continue telling you the rest of the process. Taylor would need to begin hormone treatment. Either of you would need to inject the hormones into her stomach, every three days for a two to three week period. Once the hormone cycle is done, the eggs will be thawed and mixed with the sperm of the donor. Thawing takes less than an hour. Once they are mixed, they are monitored in an incubator as they become embryos. Once they are determined to be ok for transfer, they are implanted in 3-5 days. The amount of embryos that are implanted depends on your age. The more that are implanted, the more possibility of having multiple births. Because Taylor is young and appears to be in good health, only one embryo would more than likely be implanted. Any of the remaining embryos can be refrozen, in the event the first attempt fails. You can then take a pregnancy test in about two weeks. We have a partner clinic in LA that I can set you up with. They can also direct you to one of the sperm banks that cater to lesbian couples and single women."

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