Expectation, Hidden Plan

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Angel World
Year CX7501


I arrived at the Hall and landed at the stairs outside the building. As usual, there's many other Angels working. It's not as busy and noisy as the Human World but still, the noisiness was still ringing everywhere. These kinds of Angel that were working in the Hall are Angels that selected as Politician Angel.

Hall was a place where all the communities, politics and jobs things got processed. Hall was a big building with a Roman style and many Angels came here everyday.

I walked to the front door and opened it. I didn't get the chance to close it back when there's another Angel pushed the door opened while fastening his steps.

'I think, they are busy getting the information 'bout the Human World. Nah, it is still a new system, though." I monologue to myself. Then I continued to walk straight.

When I reached the main hall of the Hall, there's a big blackboard that has many papers pinned on it. Some of thr papers were works request, some are jobs-without-pay requests and some are requests from The Ruler. The Ruler of Angel World. This blackboard was always full of jobs for Angels.

Then, I walked to the second floor and turned to the right side of the corridor. I stopped and stood in front of a single door. I sighed and opened the door. Inside, there's our Mayor waiting for me there.

"Welcome. Amy. Congratulations for your results." The Mayor stood and shook hands with me. "Thank you. It's not easy but yeah, I managed to go through it, somehow." I replied to him. He chuckled.

The Mayor had took care of me and my brother since we were little. Since our parents died. So we were closer to him compared to anyone but live in different places.

"Hahahaha. Even the way you talk is full of charisma. No wonder you got selected as valedictorian." The Mayor invited me to sit across him.

As I sat, I said "Well, that is for the school era. All those excellent results were only for the school era. Now, the job era. I am 100% sure it will be 100% harder." I smiled to him.

"Yes it is." The Mayor nodded. "Oh yes, about your job after graduating.." The Mayor took out some files from his desk. "You got a special offer from The Ruler. Well, all of us know about the new system, right? The Protecting Angel for the group of humans in that.. where? In that certain place in Human World. AND!! You get THAT job. Congratulations!" He smiled proudly.

I knew it. Duh. I got that new system. I sighed and smiled half-heartedly to him.

"Well, handling human is not that easy.. but I'm sure you can handle it. Here, take a look about the contract and their profile first." He handed me the files. I received it from him and started flipping the pages without paying any attention to it.

"I know. The Finest Rules subject is the hardest subject among all other subjects at the school. We learned how to take care of humans, be a caring Angel and bla bla bla. But, yeah, I will try to do my best. Even taking care of one human is so difficult, I think it takes about double efforts to take care of a group of humans. Duh." I smirked and closed the file. Seriously, I didn't really like humans.

For.. certain reasons..

"Yeah. But there's nothing much we can do. Heh. So, you will be taking care a group of humans called B.A.P. I heard from The Ruler that they are facing some conflict now at Human World. Other than that, I didn't know anything." The Mayor tell me.

I nodded. "B.A.P huh? B.A.P. weird name. So they are my Masters from now on. Ugh. Why must humans?" I talked to herself.

"There's their profile inside the file I gave to you. Check it later okay?" He smiled.

"Yes sir." I saluted him and laughed.

"As a valedictorian, all of us, the Politician Angel believe that you can handle this tough task. Many Angels fail to take care of this group of Humans. So only the selected and high skilled and Angel can handle this. Protecting Angel have the highest pay in this world, you know? Even protecting one person can buy one live with the pay, I bet you can't imagine the pay for protecting a group of humans." The Mayor smiled.

I smiled back as I nodded to him. Then, I stood to leave the room. The Mayor followed me until the room's door and I bowed to him. He closed the door behind me and I started walking while holding the contract file.

"I wonder. How is the situation at Human World? From what I learned, humans indeed have a stubborn and high ego. That's why they need protector. They need Angel. To prevent some evil things taking their 'body and soul' away. Even I didn't want to, but someday, I will definitely go to the Human World. Definitely. To meet my Masters." I talked to myself again as I walked out from the Hall.

I spread my wings, and started to fly back home to tell my brother about the contract. About this new job. Ugh. I still couldn't accept the fact that I'll be Protecting Angel soon.

Just... how selfish human can be?

Human World
Year 2014

The group of humans, named B.A.P, were sitting in a circle in their practice room at TS Entertainment. The 6 young boys were talking seriously to each other. One of them, his name was Bang Yongguk, said, "Hey, I know this is sound so selfish, but don't you think they went too far already?" He tried to gather his friend's attention.

Then, they turned to look at the leader. "We try to stand for our rights, but they won't listen. I know that we are just their artists and our jobs are only to do all the promotions, making songs and be a star, but still, we have our own rights, too!" The one with big eyes said with irritating voice, named Daehyun.

Suddenly, one of them coughed really hard. They give him a bottle of water. "Are you okay? Ugh, they didn't even take care of our health properly! They just want our MONEY!" Boy named Youngjae said.

"I'm okay. It's just.. uhuk! This fever getting worser 'cause it's been a long time since we get a proper rest." The one who coughed earlier, named Himchan, voice out his opinion.

"Yeah. I miss my family. Why are we extra-busy with promotions and concerts than other artist? They are still KPOP artist like us? This isn't fair!!" The one with muscular body said harshly. His name is Jongup.

The boy who sit beside him, the baby-face looking boy named Zelo didn't dare to talk about his opinions. He himself are burning inside him.

"Calm down, guys. Calm down," Yongguk, the leader, try to calm his members. "I know, even one things isn't fair for our side. So, I decided something. Well, this is only my suggestion for now. Here, I will try to find a lawyer, for our group." He whispered.

"Huh? Lawyer? For what?" Daehyun looked at the leader with a confusing look. Then, Yongguk change his voice into a serious mode, "To file. A. Lawsuit. against our agency, TS Ent, for all the unfairnesses we got and we, served to get what we supposed to get." Yongguk said.

All of the B.A.P members nodded at his suggestion. Because, that is the only way now to get through their problems.

TS Entertainment have treated them badly, and this time, they must make their move too.

They are selfish. Humans are selfish.

T/S: I know that BAP already back to TS, but this is only to complete the storyline. Hue. OK, ENJOY. ^^

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