The Gate of Ruthsmore Rose, Our Fate

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Human World
Year 2014

Yongguk POV

I knew. This will be the ridiculous things ever I will do for myself. For my life. Especially, for my members. I broke all the rules.

As their leader, B.A.P's leader, I tried to do the best for them. Am I this weak? I chose the most stubborn way to solve this problems.

I chose the most complicated way to meet the end for this hellish path.

I didn't know. I felt defeated. Suddenly I felt all alone without anyone. Even my members were here to support me for my own choice, I still felt empty, nervous and blank in the same time.

I need someone.

Someone. That could help me. That could help me in my burden now.

Please. Was Angel exist as what the legend stories always tell?

I hope they were. Please. Grand my wish. Please.

Angel World
Year CX7501

After came back from the Hall, Amy landed in front of her house when she felt a sudden skip of her heartbeat. Her eyes blinked once and looked around, expecting someone was watching her.

But there's none and she had this kind of butterfly in the stomach feeling.

"Urgh, why am I feel uneasy suddenly?" Amy still looked around. 'Maybe it's just my feeling.' She shook her head and opened the front door of her house.

"Bro! I'm home! Where are you?!" Amy was calling for her brother. No answer. Again, she yell the same thing. But still no answer. Where was he?! He was the one who got so excited to know 'bout my job.

She walked towards the living room to check for Syres but he's not there. Then, she walked into the kitchen. Her eyes stopped at the refrigerator and saw a small notice paper pinned there. She squinted her eyes and read the small handwriting.

Amy~ I 'm really sorry. I got a sudden call from my headquarter. They told me there was an emergency there. Huhu. I will not be back until tomorrow so find yourself food. Hue. Bye. Take care.

Amy stared blankly at that paper. Wow. After all my efforts flying to the Hall only to get the job that he really excited want to see, finally he is not at home now. Until tomorrow. Lol. Great.

She walked out from the kitchen and headed towards her bedroom upstairs. She threw the contract file on the desk in her room without reading it. Ah~ I'm so bored~ Is there anything fun I can do?!!!

Amy laid on her bed to get some peace. When she got up, she thought of something.

Protecting Angel. I am a Protecting Angel. When can I start my work? When can I find my Masters? Where? The Human World? The world that full of selfish humans? Urgh, please. I don' want to go there!! I hate humans!

After that, Amy buried her face in her pillow. While her face still kissing the pillow, she said, "Well, it's not that bad to see the Human World once. Heh." She pulled her head up.

"Hmmmmm... Where is that place again? I already studied it everyday at school but still can't remember that place. Hmmmmm.."

Then, she took her steps to the bookshelves that stretch from the bedroom floor to the ceiling and covers the spaces of the right side of her room. The dim light in the room was as dim as her memory.

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