Chapter 2- Sunset

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I sit up in my bed, stretching to relieve all of the tight muscles in my arms from a long, night's sleep. I'd successfully survived my first day here, not that I'd had any classes. I'd basically just been dragged around all day by Miss Trinket, who didn't approve of my new uniform, thanks to Johanna and Annie I didn't look so much of an idiot. Aside from the shoes- I was happy. I was shown every inch on the school grounds and clearly notified which parts were out of bounds and 'strictly forbidden'.

I reach over and grab my phone, scrolling though anything I'd missed throughout the night, before getting my borrowed clothes and slipping into the shower. I'd woken early so I could shower in peace without the sound of all the other girls in the wash room- I hated the thought of seeing anyone's bare bodies, it made me squirm with awkwardness. Of course I'd seen people naked before, I used to bathe my sister when she was younger and I'd watched numerous films where people were nude- it's just all of these people were strangers and I despised the thought of them somehow being able to see through the steamed up glass showers.

I rinse all over my body, lathering up the soap and sighing as the smell infused my nostrils, reminding me of home. Back there, it must only be three in the morning, meaning all of my old friends weren't even up yet- I hated the time differences already and I hadn't even talked to Madge, let alone Gale who'd been my best friend since I was eleven. I wrap the towel around myself as I come out of the shower and quickly dress, practically running back to the dormitory to the two girls who were still half asleep. ''Why are you up so early?'' Johanna moans, looking up from her phone, still cagouled in her bed sheets.

''I wanted to shower,'' I shrug, sitting down on my bed and opening up my MacBook to, again, check Facebook. ''I've been gone not even a day and I've been replaced,'' I scowl, looking at a picture of Gale, Madge and Marie all together, it wasn't even last week they were slagging her off, though secretly I thought she must have been nice since her grandmother, Sae, often helped my family a lot. I snidely laughed, shutting the screen as Annie pulls open the blinds, letting the light seep into the room.

''Come on Jo, time to get up,'' she says, throwing a pillow at Johanna, resulting in us both giggling at the scowl painted prominently on her face. ''Oh cheer up grumpy,'' Annie giggles, walking out of the room to go and shower.

''Urgh,'' Johanna moans again. ''I hate mornings, how are you so awake?''

''I'm used to getting up early to help my mother open up the apothecary,'' I laugh, sitting down at my mirror and pulling a comb through my hair, letting it fluff up naturally. I grab the straighteners, straightening it out, adding small waves as I go, for a natural look. Afterwards, I apply minimal makeup, with a subtle silver eye and nude lip.

I finish getting ready whilst the girls are still doing their hair, and so I decide to quickly call my sister before we go to assembly. ''Hi Primmy,'' I smile down the phone, walking out of the building for some privacy. ''I'm alright thank you, are you? That's good.'' As we talk, I walk around a little bit, not noticing where I'm going, until I realise I'm on a pathway, leading to the gardens. ''Prim, I've only been gone a day- you can't miss me that much,'' I laugh finding a seat on one of the benches. ''I know, but I'll see you soon. Christmas isn't that far away, and I think there's visiting days too. Yes it's basically a prison,'' I giggle. ''I'll talk to you later, we've got an assembly round about now. I love you too, bye Prim.'' I sigh, raking my hands through my hair thinking of how I'm going to survive without her here.

Suddenly, I hear a voice, making me jump from my seat all startled. ''Shouldn't you be singing one of your solos round about now?'' I recognise him as the boy from yesterday who was play-wrestling with Peeta, but I just can't remember his name. I frown, suddenly feeling awkward under his smirk- his emerald eyes watching me intently, and the sun bouncing from his bronzed hair. ''Finnick,'' he says, holding his hand out of me to shake.

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