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Ten years had now passed. Ten years of life. Ten years with Peeta. Since school, life has gotten better, we've all learnt the art of getting by. There have been struggles, so many struggles. But there's also been love and laughter. Who'd ever have thought that after college, we'd all still be as close as those sixteen year olds were ten years ago? How slim were the chances of that happening? But oh how so lucky were we that it did. 

Each one of us is growing every single day, each one of us is learning to love ourselves. Annie and Finnick got married last year, in the beautiful summer sun- a beach wedding, the perfect wedding. Johanna and Cato weren't quite as lucky. Cato went off to serve in the military and was killed in battle, leaving Johanna devasted and believing that everyone she loved, she would inevitably lose. But we're all here for her, we made her that promise and now she's almost herself again, we've all missed how out-going she was.

I sit on the balcony of our house, rocking slowly forwards and backwards on our rocking chair, watching the village go about its business and feeling the flutter of our baby girl in my stomach. It took me a lot of convincing to finally have one, but Peeta had always said he wanted to be a father, I guess I was just afraid. I was afraid of not being able to protect our child, just like I couldn't protect my sister. But he promised it'd be okay, and I believed him. I believed my one source of happiness- my only source of comfort.

That's the thing about Peeta, he completes me. I feel so whole around him, and if ever I awake screaming in the night about Prim, or the attack we all suffered from four years ago by bandits, he's there. He's always been there and I know he'll continue to be forever- or so I could only hope. He brings me so much joy and so much happiness, he makes me believe in a better future, a joyful future, where our children could play in the meadow and be safe.

I see him now. He's walking up the path to our house, holding a bouquet of Primrose flowers, which instantly floods my body with warmness. He looks up to the balcony, smiling at me as he walks through the door. I hear his every footstep coming up the stairs and then he's in front of me. ''I bought these for you,'' he says, handing me the flowers as I stand to my feet. ''No, sit down you should rest,'' he says gently, kissing my temple.

''They're beautiful,'' I tell him, my fingers rubbing over the silky petals.

''How's my little girl hm?'' He asks, kneeling down and pressing his hands onto my stomach as she starts to kick at the sound of his voice.

''Happy to see you,'' I laugh softly.

''Hey Princess, can I ask you something?'' He says to my bump, before leaning in close and murmuring something quietly to my stomach. ''I hope mummy likes the idea too baby girl,'' he chuckles, before looking up at me and smiling at my quizzical expression. He reaches into his pocket, and I gasp as he pulls out a small black box. Taking my hand he takes a deep breath, the evening sun bouncing off of his blonde hair. ''From the moment I saw you, or should I say heard you,'' he laughs gently, referring to me singing solo in front of everyone by mistake, ''I knew I wanted to get to know you, and am I so glad I did. Katniss, you are the reason for my existence- nothing else mattered before you got pregnant, and now I just want to be able to call you my wife. You and your beauty, well, you're the only weakness of mine. Please let me fulfil my promise and stay by your side forever, because I want to protect and love you for the rest of my life. What I'm trying to say is, will you do me the greatest honour and will you marry me?''

I look into his eyes as the past years replay like a film in the space of a few seconds, and I know that it was meant to be. I needed him. I smile, nodding my head as the word 'Yes', comes from my mouth. ''Yes, yes yes!'' I say over again, excitedly as I throw my arms around his neck as his stands up, holding onto me tight. ''You and I, alright? This is it,'' I say, burying my head into his chest.

''Always Katniss, from the day that we met,'' he tells me.

All of the heartbreak and suffering we'd been through suddenly dissipated into the air. Although we knew the hurt would return, as grievance could never fully pass, we also knew that it was all meant for this little moment of perfection. This little moment of happiness. Because at this moment we knew that it was true, and that we would do anything for each other without questioning if the other would do the same. It was true. Always.

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