Chapter 6- Annie

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My body freezes at the sight of Miss Trinket stood there as she switches on the light, her lips pursed and staring at me intently. I immediately stand up, locking my phone and leaving it on my bed, before walking over to her. ''Anything I can help you with ma'am?'' I ask- if she wasn't going to outright say why she was here, I was going to act as innocent as I could, I was too tired to fight back.

''We seem to have noticed your absence tonight during dinner, care to explain why?'' She asks, tilting her head and awaiting and explanation.

''Ma'am, didn't they tell you? I was feeling terribly under the weather,'' I say, trying to minimise the sarcastic tone from my voice as I grew annoyed at the expression on her face- one thing I failed miserably to do.

''Oh they did, it's just a few hours ago, you were reported spotted in the boy's building- which of course you know is highly forbidden,'' she spits out in a tone that makes it sound as if I was unable to understand. I understood what she meant perfectly well, but it was actually quite amusing acting as if I had no idea what she was on about.

''Mustn't have been me Ma'am, I've been in bed all evening,'' I tell her, deciding to still play the innocent card and wind her up just that little bit more ''Listen is this going to take any longer because I have the worst headache?'' I sigh, gripping my head in mockery and squeezing my eyes shut, just in case I burst out laughing at the constant frown on her face.

''Miss Everdeen, I do not appreciate that tone of voice. I've tried to be reasonable with you, but now you're making a fool of me and I will simply not have it! We know you went out of the grounds, we know you were in a boy's dormitory, and we know you've only just got back- there's a little something called CCTV which we check once in a while whenever we have our suspicions''

''Stalkers,'' I mutter under my breath and rolling my eyes.

''Miss Everdeen!'' She snaps. ''We've seen you break the rules multiple times tonight, it's just a shame we couldn't identify who you've been with since so many of the boys were absent from dinner also.  In punishment, you've lost any free-time you were meant to have tomorrow, and you shall report to the detention hall right after Prayers, alright?''

''Yes Ma'am,'' I say, biting down on my tongue to stop me saying anything else to the stupid bitch.

''Now before I go, I'm going to ask you one more thing. Who exactly were you with tonight?'' I laugh snidely, making her eyebrows knit even further together in annoyance, ''Miss Everdeen?'' She persists, stomping her stiletto onto the wooden floor, getting highly irritated with me.

''You can forget it, I'm not telling you,'' I say bluntly, not wanting to get Peeta in any sort of bother, he of all people didn't need anybody going on at him. ''And mind the floor please ma'am, I hear it's very expensive wood,'' I say sarcastically.

''Would you like to serve detention the Sunday after too?'' She threatened. ''On visiting day?''

''My mother and sister aren't coming up for another few weeks anyway,'' I shrug. ''Detain me, see if I care.'' I can see the frustration spread over her face at how difficult I'm being, until she takes a deep breath to calm herself down, pursing her lips as she writes me a detention slip. ''Thank you Ma'am,'' I say sarcastically as she leaves the room.

I sigh, stripping from my clothing and crawling into bed with Peeta's hoody on, yearning for a form of comfort. Back home, I wanted nothing more to be left alone in my own company, but having spent so little time alone since I'd gotten here, I craved human presence far too much. I sent a text to Johanna and Annie, telling them that I was tired and would probably be asleep by the time they came back, before getting comfy and scrolling through Facebook, before dropping to sleep.

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