Chapter 8- Little Duck

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I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my shoulders as someone brings me close. The smell of cologne fills my nostrils, and I recognise the scent of it almost immediately- it's what I bought Peeta for Christmas. I rest my body into him, the familiarity of him only making me cry harder, because I know he'd always be there for me- at least that's what he's always promised. I look up at him, gasping for breath as I open my mouth to talk. ''Shh, don't say a word. Tell me when you've calmed down,'' he hushes, kissing the top of my head. His arms stay firmly around my shoulders, embracing me in a cocoon of comfort, as I start to try and pull myself together. Heavy footsteps come down the stairs, as someone abruptly stops in front of Peeta and I. The strong embrace leaves me, as Peeta stands up to face, who I presume is Gale. Tilting my head up, I see I'm correct- Peeta is stood there, slightly in front of me, as if he's guarding me from Gale. ''I don't know what the hell you've done to her, but I suggest you leave,'' Peeta says firmly.

''I haven't done anything. And I don't know who you think you are to tell me to leave her- you've known her what? Five minutes? I've known her for years!'' Gale spits. ''Move out the way and let me see her.'' I wearily stand up, leaning against the wall, until I feel my legs give way, but Peeta's strong arms are there to pull me back up. Automatically, my body edges close to him, the vulnerability overcoming me.

''Gale,'' I choke out. ''Please, just leave,'' I say weakly, my face burning from the tears I'm keeping back.

''Katniss,'' he says, his eyes not quite reaching mine. ''I know I should've been keeping an eye on her-''

''Please, I don't want your excuses Gale. I'm tired of it all- please. I'll see you when I have to,'' I tell him, my voice becoming lost in my sea of sadness. He opens his mouth to speak, before shaking his head, tears now brimming over his eyes, before turning away and walking down the pathway. I turn to Peeta, whose face portrays nothing but care. I close my eyes, feeling the tears starting to fall as I fall into his body, sobbing. I feel his arms under my legs as he picks me up, striding towards the boy's dormitory, where he takes me to his room, laying me on the bed and pulling the quilt over the top of me. He sits beside me, raking his hands through my locks of hair, before pulling me close.

''Do you want to talk about it?'' He asks in a hushed voice, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my temple. Just him being here is erasing the pain a fraction, because I know he'd listen, and I know he'd care.

''It-it's my sister,'' I choke out. ''She, she, there was an accident and a car and-'' I'm unable to finish my sentence because my whole body emotionally collapses.

''Shh Katniss, you don't have to finish,'' Peeta tells me, rubbing up and down my arms gently, his fingers brushing against my trembling skin. ''Just know I'm here, I'm not going anyway baby. Cry all you need, I'll hold you. I promise,'' he whispers, kissing the top of my head. My body nestles into his, craving the comfort I so much needed. Prim was gone, and I never even got to say goodbye.

''Can I talk to you about it?'' I say, gasping little, short breaths.

''Of course you can.'' Peeta sits up, and I rest into his shoulder, clasping our hands together as he immediately starts to rub small, gentle circles.

''Gale said she got knocked down, his wasn't looking what she was doing a-''

''No. Don't tell me about that. Tell me about her, tell me about you both. Focus on the good Katniss,'' he tells me, giving me a smile so genuine that in the saddest moments he still makes my heart skip a beat.

''Back home, there's a meadow, full of hundreds of dandelions and daisies. The perfect spot to watch a sunset,'' I look up to see his eyes focused intently on mine- he really wants to know. He really does care. ''And one evening after dinner, I took Prim there. I think I was fourteen, and she ten, but that's not important. Before we went, I braided her golden locks into two braids all the way down her back, tied with satin yellow ribbons. I still remember the feel of them now, even after all this time.'' Suddenly, I find myself closing my eyes, trying to get back into the moment as best I could...I wanted to see her face one last time.

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