Chapter 3- Unknown Pasts

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''Do you want another drink Katniss?'' Finnick asks, holding up a can ready to throw to me.

''I don't know,'' I dither, ''I'm not really a big drinker,'' I tell him. The last time I had more than one can, wasn't too long ago- but it resulted in me almost drowning from being unaware of anything around me. The day after, I realised I'd yelled a whole load of expletives to my mother, telling her how I wished it was her who'd caught cancer and not my father- I told her I wished she was dead instead...all whilst Prim watched. 

''I'll share it with you if you want?'' Peeta offers, catching the drink in his hand as Finnick sends it though the air. The sound of the air escaping the can relaxes me slightly, especially knowing Peeta will probably drink the majority of it. He offers me the first sip, to which I take gratefully, before he takes one of his own. ''Finnick, can I have a word?'' Peeta asks, frowning as he watches him pull Annie close.

''Sure,'' he sighs in reply, standing up and following him far enough from the rest of us, so nobody would hear. As soon as Peeta's out of earshot, both Johanna and Annie rush over, sitting either side of me and grinning suggestively.

''So, what do you think?'' Annie asks, nudging me as the rest of the lads get engrossed in something on Cato's phone- what, I didn't want to know.

''What do you mean?'' I ask.

''Oh God, you've both been making eyes at each other all night,'' Johanna sighs, shaking her head. ''Peeta's a good one, but seriously brainless how can you fall for someone so easily, and so quickly?''

''I haven't fallen for him,'' I scowl. ''He's just been friendly since you two have ditched me.''

''Hey, I haven't! I'm just trying to figure out Finnick. One minute he's hot, the next minute cold- I don't get it,'' Annie sighs frustratedly.

''He's crazy Annie, I don't even know him properly- but from an outsider's view, you two definitely are meant to be together!'' I tell her, smiling softly.

''You're not an outsider, you're one of us now Kat,'' Johanna says, almost changing her usual frown to a genuine smile. ''I just hope you don't get hurt easily,'' she tells me, watching as the boys return and they both go back to their place around the fire.

Johanna was talking as if I'd already fallen desperately in love with Peeta, but I hadn't- I'd hardly known him five minutes, yet for some reason I felt as if there was a magnet pulling us together. There was something about him which made me crave his attention, whether it be his eyes, or his smile, there was something and it was telling me to find out more. As he sat back down, he smiled down at me, to which I returned a small one back, trying to figure out what Johanna meant by me getting hurt easily- surely he wouldn't? I don't know.

The night was falling further into itself, and the moon was now high in the sky, its crescent clear and illuminating the stars around it. The temperature had dramatically dropped since we'd left and I grew annoyed at the fact I hadn't brought out a jacket with me. My knee starts to bounce up and down, as my hair stands on its ends- the goose bumps starting to form as my teeth chattered gently. ''So tell me, what brought you here?'' Peeta asks, offering me another sip, which I politely turn down.

''My mother thinks it'll discipline me,'' I mumble, not really wanting to talk to him about him.

''And why would that be?'' He asks, quirking an eyebrow.

''Well my father died, and I don't know- I just flipped, so she sent me here,'' I tell him, trying to stay as vague as possible. I wasn't ready to tell anyone the things I'd been through, nor the things I'd done- I was too ashamed of the person I'd become over the past couple of years, and truthfully, my mother sending me here had already opened my eyes to how much so I was in the wrong.

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