Chapter 7- Angels

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Six months later...

I wake up from a long night's sleep, unlocking all of the muscles in my body as I stretched out. Suddenly, a smile grew on my face as I realise, finally, it was Sunday- the day Peeta came back. On Friday evening, he'd left to go home for the weekend, as did a handful of other students- but not me or the girls, we decided we'd stay here and have a couple of days with just the three of us. These past few months I'd grown very fond of them and our friendship, as it was something I'd never really had- especially since I'd heard nothing from any of my friends back in District Twelve since I came here. Johanna and Annie were the friends I'd only ever dreamt about.

Peeta and I had grown closer these past few months, and I'd fallen for him- hard. Being separated from him for the past couple of days was more difficult than I'd thought, especially since we were pretty much joint at the hip- resulting in numerous detentions, but neither of us minded. I leant across to grab my phone, smiling at the good morning text I'd received and then scrolled through everything I'd missed through the night.

My stomach felt as if it was going to burst from excitement, which before now had always been such a foreign feeling for me- I'd never looked forward to waking up each day, but Peeta made that possible, he made me see joy in everything I did. The girls' were still asleep, and so I crept out of our room to shower, changing into some denim shorts, and white vest top- throwing over blue paisley kimono, seeing as it was Spring, the weather was getting a lot warmer, which I was thankful for.

As I unlock the door back into our room, my phone vibrates again- signalling that Peeta's replied. Opening up my texts, I grin that he'd be back within the next hour or so, before sitting down at my dressing table to do my hair and makeup. ''Morning you too,'' I beam, as they both start to awaken.

''Someone's up early,'' Annie smiles. ''Excited to see Peet?'' She asks, as I nod my head, the smile still prominent on my face as she 'awe's. Annie and Finnick still hadn't sorted anything out, in fact whenever we were all together, they'd pretend as if one another didn't exist- which truly was quite sad, as after getting to know them both, I knew that the connection they once had would be a terrible shame to loose. A couple of months ago, the gossiping and whispering over their relationship and Annie's abortion finally died down, meaning she could walk around campus freely, without feeling numerous sets of eyes on her- which I was happy about, but nobody deserved to be feeling as rotten as she did.

''Well isn't that cute,'' Johanna chuckles sarcastically. ''I'm glad he's coming back though, you've been looking like a little lost puppy these past couple of days,'' she jokes, as she automatically dives under her quilt, assuming I'm going to throw something at her as usual. But, seeing as she was expecting it, I wasn't giving her the satisfaction.

''Shut up Jo,'' I smirk, shaking my head as I continue to get ready. Eventually, I'm done and we all spend a while talking about goodness knows what, though I'm not really paying attention as I can't keep my thoughts off finally seeing Peeta again.

''There's definitely no church or anything today is there?'' I ask, double checking.

''It's on, but not compulsory, too many students are coming back at different times, so it'd be pointless,'' Annie says, flicking through one of her magazines and staring in awe at all the expensive jewellery and shoes- something which gives me no interest whatsoever.

''Alright, come on, we should go meet the boys,'' I say.

''You just want to see Peeta, you have no interest whatsoever in anybody else,'' Johanna teases, standing up from her bed. I roll my eyes at her, before leaving our room and walking into the courtyard, where numerous cars are starting to come in and out. We all walk over to where Thom, Marvel, Cato and Finnick are sat on the concreted stairs, waiting for us to come. Johanna goes and sits beside Cato, her head immediately finding the crook in his neck. They still weren't officially a couple, but everyone knew that they were each other's and nobody dared interfere with that, especially since Johanna would probably rip their head off- maybe not actually rip it, but close enough.

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