Chapter 16- Dresses

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4 Weeks Later...

My alarm chimes loudly as I force my eyes open from what little sleep I'd gotten, whoever thought it was a good idea to stay out last night until one in the morning was definitely wrong. ''Wake up sleepy! Today's the day!'' Annie squeals.

''Will you shut up screaming, God how does one person have so much energy,'' I hear Johanna groan from her bed, making me chuckle as I felt exactly the same way.

''I'm up, I'm up,'' I say, forcing myself to sit upright on my bed. ''Happy?'' I ask, raking my fingers through my unruly mess on top of my head.

''Very. Alright so, we have nails at ten giving us two hours until we can finally pick our dresses up, and then we'll come back here, where my aunt will do our makeup and then-''

''Annie, I've barely woken up, give it a rest,'' Johanna sighs. ''Just give me half an hour to get ready and then you can ramble on as much as you want, alright?''

''I told you not to have another cider, but did you listen? Nope, and now you're going to be hung over on the morning of our last ever Spring Ball before we graduate and become seniors,'' Annie says, smirking at me from across the room as I hold in my laughter from the ever so famous 'I told you so' talk.

''Yeah, yeah. I'll be right as rain in a bit, but for now I'm getting a shower,'' she sighs, standing up from her bed and grabbing her things. ''You're still doing our hair though right?'' She asks as she leaves the room.

''I thought you weren't interested about anything Ball related Jo?'' I say, smiling as she narrows her eyes at me and leaves. ''Oops,'' I laugh. ''I best shower too- I'm guessing you already have?'' I say, gesturing towards a readily made up Annie.

''I've been up for an hour or so, so yes. So much to do today, ah I can't wait!'' She squeals, her excitement becoming infectious. I shake my head at her, before pulling out a burnt orange, skater style dress from my drawers, and my denim jacket, before heading into the showers.

The day was finally here, today was the day of the Spring Mascaraed Ball. Annie had been going on, and on about it the closer it came and secretly I was more excited than I was letting on to be. I was looking forward to seeing all of the prefect team's hard work paying off. And my dress. Wow. I most definitely wasn't the type of girl to prance about in pretty dresses, but this one made me feel something different- it made me feel beautiful.

Once I was showered I came back into the room, where Annie was full Spring-Ball mode and finalising all the little details. I smiled at her enthusiasm and dedication, then applied minimal make-up for town- foundation, mascara and a nude lip. We sat around in our room for a while, deciding to get breakfast in town instead of with everyone else in the hall. ''We should probably go you know,'' I say after a while. ''The bus comes soon.''

''True, I swear to God I hope the boys have their suits ready,'' Annie frowns, staring at something on her phone.

''You do know that they're probably all buying them today,'' Johanna says bluntly, raising her eyebrows at Annie.

''Everything they do is always last minute,'' she pouts. ''Anyway, they aren't our concern- our concern is getting ready for tonight and that means you have to put on a smile Joey,'' Annie says, purposely putting on a voice and squeezing Johanna's cheeks teasingly.

''Hey, stop that,'' she laughs, pushing Annie to the side. ''There, a smile. Happy?''

''Happy. Come on then you two- let's go!''


''Are you ready?'' Annie asks us as we walk up the stairs to our dress boutique. The vintage sign gently sways from side to side in the warm Spring breeze, and I smile at the thought of finally getting our dresses.

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