Chapter 14- Happiness?

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''Have you seen all the posters? Guys, it's going to be great,'' Annie squeals excitedly as we walk down to corridor to our last class before break. ''Obviously I'm going to be organising it all, seeing as I'm Head Girl, but you two have to help, it'll be so much fun!'' She beams. This morning, the school had been plastered in posters for the Spring 'Mascaraed Ball', and with Annie being Head and part of the committee, it was all down to her. It was nice to see her finally excited about something, and everyone knew it'd be a good distraction from everything that had gone on with her recently, but she was getting better, she really was. ''Oh god, we've got a month to organise everything and of course get our dresses,'' she gushes. 

''Sounds great,'' I smile along, stirring away from the fact that I wasn't usually the type of girl to get excited over buying dresses and getting all made up. Back home whenever it was the 'Spring Fling' Dance, I'd normally just ditch and go out with my 'friends'- we just weren't interested.

''Now, now,'' Annie frowns, ''don't judge it before you've tried it. I'm going to make it so good I promise you. Do you really think that I'd make it that lame?'' She asked, raising her eyebrows at me.

'Trust me, it'll be good,'' Johanna says as we walk into class, just as the bell sounds.

''You're late,'' our English teacher simply states.

''Well technically-'' Johanna starts.

''This lesson is sixty minutes long, and that means sixty minutes learning,'' Ms Lyme says. ''Now, have a seat girls, you can all read a chapter of today's novel,'' he grins as we all sigh and find our tables. The lesson drags on, and by the time I've finished reading my chapter I feel so drained- the words hadn't even sunk into my brain, I was plainly reciting what was written in front of me. Eventually, the bell rings, yet he insists we all wait behind and finish the lesson before we have a break. However, he does finally let us leave.

We walk down the hallway, making our way outside to go and find the boys at our usual place when three year nine students come running up to Annie. Of course, this is a common occurrence seeing as everybody knows and the little one's worship her. ''Annie, Annie, Annie!'' They squeal excitedly. ''Finnick's wants you to come with us,'' one of them says, quite clearly far too enthusiastic as her blonde plaits bobbed up and down.

''Alright,'' she smiles sweetly, before turning and giving Johanna and I a look, as if to say 'help me'. We smile amused at her, and follow on to see what the fuss is all about. They lead us around the building to the back, where above the sea of people you can see Finnick's head, as he was taller than everyone else. He was talking with Cato with a great smile on his face, until he turns and spots us, his smile growing larger. The crowd parts as we walk through, until we can see what the fuss is about.

''He hasn't,'' Johanna murmurs in my ear.

''Oh he has,'' I reply back, the same dumbfound expression in my voice. We both look to Annie, who has the typically happy school-girl grin on her face. Finnick is stood there, with a brown baby goat in a pen next to him, a bouquet of dusty pink lilies and a cardboard sign propped up against the tree beside him saying 'Will you goat to the ball with me?'. His familiar smirk grows up on his face, an infectious smile playing on his lips as he walks forward and offers her the flowers.

''So, will you?'' He asks. ''You know goat to the ball with me?'' He says, laughing at the intended pun.

''I will if you tell me where you got that goat from,'' Annie laughs, smiling. ''Of course I will you idiot,'' she says, shaking her head.

''A farmer down the road let me have him. He's called Elvis,'' he chuckles to himself. ''There's also one other thing I want to ask you,'' he says. Annie raises her eyebrows, waiting for him to ask as he leans forward to one side and whispers something in her ear. I see her nod, kissing him gently on the lips as her arms wind around his neck and she relaxes fully into him, the most relaxed I'd seen her in weeks as they embrace.

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