Chapter 17- Comforting Closeness

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''Girls!'' Annie squeals. ''This is it, it's time!'' She says, clasping her hands together like an over-excited child. We were all finally, one-hundred percent, ready for the dance and it was time to walk across the grounds and over to the main hall where Annie and the prefect team had spent hours of planning to make it look as perfect and beautiful as possible. ''Ok, ok- photo time!'' She says, picking up our phone and posing, waiting for us to join as Johanna rolls her eyes like marbles, making me chuckle.

''Come on then, let's go,'' Johanna says, adjusting everything one last time to make herself look beautiful. As we step out into the corridor, all the other girls were making their ways out too, short dresses, long dresses, black, white and coloured- it was an array of all sorts. As we made our way down the concrete steps and out into the courtyard I started to feel confident, and for once I was feeling beautiful- the girls had both given me the confidence I needed. As we reach the bottom of the stairs, I hear Annie squeal and I look up to see the boys leant against the stone wall all dressed in black tuxedos.

''They did not,'' Johanna says, shaking her head at their identical suits and bowties.

''Oh they did,'' I chuckle, shaking my head at them too. ''But my god do they look attractive,'' I say, looking and smirking at Johanna as they all notice us. Finnick is the first to walk over, kissing Annie's hand and telling her how beautiful she looked. Cato and Peeta follow behind, Cato wrapping his arm around Johanna and kissing her temple, murmuring something in her ear to make her blush. ''Hello you,'' I say to Peeta, smiling and looking him up and down. ''May I say you're looking very handsome,'' I say to him, smiling and admiring the tightness of his suit, which emphasised his physique.

''Why thank you,'' he says. ''But you're the one who looks incredible,'' he tells me. ''You're showing everybody else up,'' he whispers in my ear, making a rare school-girl giggle escape from my mouth. I smile at him, our eyes locking momentarily as we share a moment of happiness, before Cato breaks it up announcing we've got 'a party to get going'. We chuckle at him, but follow him and Johanna into the building, where everything was already full swing.

The place had been completely transformed. A pink hue lit up the whole hall as the white strobes shone from the high beamed ceiling. There were mounds of balloons floating above us in the tall arched roof, and a gentle swing band were playing on the main stage, to be taken over by a DJ later on once we'd all eaten on the white-clothed tables which took up half of the hall. You could see all of the time and effort put into this night and it truly had paid off.

The first half hour was spent picture taking, pose after pose, after pose- my mouth had grown tired from smiling so much. Annie, Johanna and I had a friendship photo done, and Peeta and I an individual couple one- it was nice. It was nice to finally have some relaxed down time, happy and completely unaware of any worries. When it came to sitting down for food, we all grabbed a table, claiming it as our own for the whole night. If anyone tried to steal it, the plan was to scream at them- according to Johanna anyway.

The night went on, and we all danced the night away- people spiking the fruit punch with vodka once most of the teachers left- the unlucky ones having to stay and supervise everyone until the last person left. I was sitting at the side with Johanna and Annie, cooling down a little whilst the boys continued dancing some hip-hop track, making me smile at how happy Peeta seemed especially, he'd been so down lately and it was nice to see him enjoying himself. As the song came to an end, my favourite one started playing...'My Heart Will Go On by Celion Dion'. ''This film made me cry for a week,'' I say as the soft whistling of the intro filled the room.

''Oh god me too,'' Annie says, sighing.

''I'm completely immune to it,'' Johanna says bluntly. ''When her and Finnick first broke up she'd just watch titanic over, and over, and over- didn't you Annie?'' She asks, tilting her head and smirking.

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