Chapter 19- Leaving

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''My head hurts so much,'' Johanna whines as she sits up in bed, her hair sticking out like duckling fluff.

''And mine,'' I agree with her.

''Mine too, Jesus we drunk a lot,'' Annie laughs softly, still attempting to open her eyes fully. ''It's a good job graduation isn't for another six hours,'' she says, before flopping back on her bed.

''I know, but it was worth it though,'' I say. And it was. Last night was our last night all together, one last time before the Summer and Senior year begun. To say things got messy would probably be an understatement, but we all just wanted to spend our last night happy and care-free, telling each other our deepest secrets and dancing into the early morning hours. The perfect goodbye.

Never in a million years did I think leaving for the Summer would be so hard- in fact the first couple of days I couldn't wait to get away from this place and leave. However, this place had become my home. My friends had become my family. ''I still need to pack so much,'' Johanna groans, sighing deeply.

''Well if you'd done it when Katniss and I did you'd be able to spend the morning lazing about in bed with us before the ceremony later,'' Annie grins, winding Johanna up.

''Yeah well I only have to stuff all my clothes into a box and a few other bits,'' Johanna frowns.

''But that's just so much effort,'' I tease, smirking.

''No, watch,'' she says, standing up and grabbing two of her boxes from the corner. She walks to her drawers, opening each one and tipping the contents into one box, and everything from her dressing table into another. ''There, done,'' she grins, nodding her head as she tapes the box up.

''But it'll all be so messy,'' Annie says, her eyes opening wider and unapprovingly.

''Well we can't all be a neat freak like you,'' Johanna laughs, flopping back onto her bed. ''See, now I can laze about all day too,'' she grins, making me laugh at how unbothered and carefree she really was. ''Oh and one other thing- bagsy not going to pick up our dry cleaning for later,'' she smirks, opening her laptop up, plugging into Netflix.

''Bagsy not either,'' Annie quickly says, sticking her tongue out at me.

''You two are so irritating I swear,'' I say. ''But don't you guys worry, I'll go collect your dry-cleaning,'' I complain.

''Thanks babes,'' they both say in sync, grinning mischievously as I shake my head at my two best-friends. Calling them that still seems so weird, because deep down I always knew back home that my 'friends' weren't really my friends- they didn't enable me to grow and be happy the way Annie and Johanna did, and for that I was eternally grateful.

After a few hours of chilling out, I went over the wash room to collect our caps and gowns for later- black with a red trim, matching our school colours. As I walked down the stairs outside I spot Finnick walking over, with the same tired expression as all of us. ''Hey you,'' he grins.

''Hello Finnick,'' I smile. ''Still feeling as rough as we all were this morning?'' I ask, raising my brows at him.

''Just a bit,'' he chuckles.

''Well get some black coffee and sugar cubes down you and you'll all be right as rain by the ceremony,'' I say, shaking me head.

''Ahh sugar cubes, the classic wake-me-up,'' he smirks. ''Are you all ready to go home then?'' He asks.

''I don't really want to, I mean it'll be hard going back- especially when my sister isn't there,'' I say, a weight settling so deep into my chest it started to hurt. The thought of returning home for the whole Summer without Prim there tore me apart. Summer was the time where I'd take her to the lake, or sit and have ice-cream with her and buy her pretty things from the markets...but now any possibility of that was gone. She was gone, and she wasn't coming back.

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