Chapter 15- Together Again

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''Look at her she's like an excited little puppy,'' Johanna laughs, shaking her head at me from across the table. The warm Spring air was fresh on our faces, as the warmth from the sun's rays beamed down us all, illuminating a soft yellow glow over all of our faces. It was Friday, meaning we only had a half day today, and we were all sat on one of the picnic benches outside by the Orchard, which was now full in bloom. 

''Leave her alone, I think it's sweet,'' Annie smiles, nestling close into Finnick's side, both of them looking unimaginably happy. His arm is wrapped around her shoulders, his hand entwined with hers and keeping her close.

''You would think that though,'' Cato jokes. ''You, my friend, are in love with the idea of love,'' he states, pointing his finger at her.

''And what's wrong with that?'' Annie quizzes. ''I like to think there's somebody there for everyone- we all deserve somebody that puts us first,'' she says.

''All I'm saying is, you can live life without it,'' he shrugs again.

''Glad to know I mean something to you,'' Johanna says, slapping him across his shoulder and glaring.

''You know that's not what I meant,'' he frowns. ''You know you've changed me Jo, for the better,'' he smiles, whispering something in her ear that makes her eyes roll and a smirk grow up her face.

''Enough about love,'' Thom suddenly says. ''Marvel and I are gonna be out-numbered again once Peet's out,'' he chuckles. ''It's a good job it's my last year in this place,'' he continues. ''You've all lost any sense of independence,'' he says, shaking his head- a playful, teasing glint in his eyes.

''Remind me never to become as cynical and bitter as him,'' I mutter, rolling my eyes.

''Hey, I heard that,'' Thom replies, frowning.

''You were meant to,'' I smile at him. I stand up from the bench, noticing how Peeta was due to be discharged fairly soon, and I wanted to be there for him when he was. The past few days I had been so worried, despite being angry he never told me what was going on. If anything it made me worry more, but now it was all over we could finally try and get on with the rest of school life. No complications, no tragedies, just us, our friends and finding happiness.

There was never a day that didn't go by where my sister wasn't in my mind. My little duck. She really was the only thing which made me want to go home, somehow being in the District made me feel so much closer to her. ''I'll come with you, so I can help him get settled back into our room again,'' Finnick offers.

''Alright. You'll all be round later too right?''

''Of course, it's been far too long without seeing him,'' Johanna laughs. I shake my head at her, knowing full well she'll tease him all night long, whilst Cato laughs and Annie scolds them for being so mean- it was just routine, our usual. I was giddy with excitement at the thought of our group being back together again, especially now the tension between Finnick and Annie had disappeared- things were looking good for Summer.

I'd arranged for everyone to come around to Peeta and Finnick's dorm at seven, with Pizza and drinks- all ready for a night in watching whichever films the lads would force us to watch, it was inevitable that they'd choose a horror film. Great. It had been so long since we were all together, but the fact we were all together and happy made everything a whole load better. Finnick and I walk together through the school grounds, the chirp of birds sounding in every tree we passed. ''You excited for him to be out then?'' Finnick smirks.

''Yeah. I just want things to go back to how they were really, and now he's better they can do. Time to move on,'' I sigh, smiling happily to myself.

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