Chapter 4- Love and Tears

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We walk across the ground and over to the Great Hall for this morning's assembly. Finally, it was Saturday and I'd survived my first academic week at school. Each day I became more accustomed to how everything ran, and people had near enough forgotten about my incident on Monday morning where'd I'd sung in front of everyone. My 'new' uniform had arrived in reception a couple of days ago, so I no longer looked like an eighteenth century grandma, which was an achievement in itself. I'd had two health classes, only to find out that Peeta, Thom and Marvel were amongst some of the boy's there- which I didn't mind one bit. Johanna and Annie were in my PE, as well as a few other classes, and so I was relatively happy.

The days when I didn't have mounds of homework, I usually spent with the two girls in the common room, or just roaming around the grounds- we'd only met up with the boys once after we all nearly got caught, better to keep a low profile. ''These shoes don't half rub,'' I complain, walking up to the pews and standing in the middle of the girl's, whilst we wait for everyone else to file in.

''They'll be fine once you've broken them in,'' Annie whispers as Madame Coin starts another one of her tedious speeches. She drones on, purposely trying to bore us all from our brains, until the organ starts up and we start singing a couple of hymns, as we do each morning. As we're singing, I scan through the boy's, searching to find Peeta, who when I finally do see him, already has his eyes on me. His eyes flicker down, almost embarrassedly, before his eyelashes fold back up and he gives me a small smile, dimples forming on his jawline. I smirk back at him, just as I bow my head and a prayer starts.

I've never been the type of girl to fall for a boy, but for some reason there's something about Peeta which makes me think that sooner or later I will. I don't know if it's his laugh, or the way he walked me back home on Thursday night when we all met up again- but there's something about his sincerity which makes me want to know him more. We all start to file back out as the assembly comes to an end, and everyone disperses back to their dormitory's to get ready for whatever they have planned for the afternoon.

I walk over to where Peeta is leaning against a column, his blazer slung over his shoulder as per usual, and bump him gently. ''Hey,'' he says, his face lighting up from its previous blank expression.

''Hello,'' I smile. ''What's the deal with Saturday's then?'' I ask him.

''You've got the whole morning and afternoon to yourself, before everyone has dinner in the hall, including Madame Coin, and then you've basically the evening to wonder around campus until dark when you have to be back in your building's,'' he tells me.

''We should all go to the cinema or something then,'' I suggest.

''Nope, we're whisking you off before your date tonight,'' I hear Johanna chirp up.

''It's not a date,'' I snap at her, as her and Annie join us.

''That's not what Loverboy's been telling us,'' Finnick sings mischievously, joining the group. Peeta mumbles something under his breath as he shoves Finnick, them both starting to play-wrestle. I laugh, turning to the girl's, whilst they both continue to fight, Finnick ruffling Peeta's hair whilst he grabs him in a headlock.

''They're like a pair of kids,'' Johanna laughs sarcastically. ''Sorry brainless, but you're coming to town with us both, before you ditch us tonight.'' I start to protest, just as Johanna opens her mouth to speak again. ''Right Annie? Annie are you even listening?'' She sighs. We both follow her gaze to see her focusing intently on watching Finnick, zoning out in her own little world. ''Oi!'' Johanna calls, shoving her gently.

''Sorry, he's just so- urgh!'' She sighs, getting frustrated. ''I can't stop thinking about him and it's driving me crazy!''

''It's driving us crazy too,'' Johanna sighs, shaking her head. ''Just go talk to him, how hard is that?''

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