Chapter 5- Smiles and Laughter

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I follow Peeta along the road as he leads me to an unknown destination. As we walk, our hands brush against each other's often and I find myself seeking his touch. The sun has already started going down, but not quite yet and so we carry on following the winding roads of the countryside, until Peeta comes to a stop. He places one foot sturdily on a rock, before swinging his other over the wall and dropping down the other side.

I try to place my foot on the same rock as he did, but it's a little too high for me to step up onto without grabbing a hold of something. ''Here,'' Peeta smiles amused, holding out his hand for me to take. I nervously take it and he hitches me up and over the wall, his hands planted on my waist as he drops me down into the field.

''Thank you,'' I blush, feeling slightly conscious at the fact he'd held me around my waist and felt the one part of my body I despised.

''There's a perfect spot at the top of this field,'' he says, still holding my hand. I smile as I look down at our clasped fingers and just how perfectly they seem to fit together. Peeta leads me up to the top of the hill, before delving into the tweed basket, and pulling out a tartan blanket which he lays down onto the ground for us both to sit on. Peeta lays across the blanket, propping his head up with his arm and smiling at me as I make myself comfortable as I curl my legs around to the side, leaning back onto my arm. ''I didn't know what you liked, so it's basically all crap junk food,'' he chuckles, opening the basket up and laying everything out.

As he does, I watch him intently, examining every part of his face- which really when you look at it is quite beautiful. The sun has started to set, and its last warm rays bounce off of his blonde curls, illuminating them into a gorgeous honeycomb colour to match his long, delicate eyelashes which are the same golden brown. ''Katniss?'' He prompts. Suddenly I'm snapped out of my daze, realising he'd probably asked me a question and I'd completely bypassed it. I laugh gently, trying to hide my embarrassment as I bury my head in my hands.

''Sorry, what did you say?'' I ask, looking back up to see his piercing blue eyes on me.

''I said, I hope you like cheese buns and pizza,'' he chuckles, shaking his head. ''God we've only just got here and I've bored you so much you've zoned out,'' he winks, that ever so charming laugh escaping from his throat again.

''Don't say that!'' I laugh, ''I just zone out sometimes,'' I shrug apologetically. ''Oh and I've never had a cheese bun, but pizza is an excellent choice,'' I grin. Peeta smiles back at me, his gaze lingering on a little longer than usual, before he finishes getting everything out- he certainly has made effort. On the rug, there's a box of pizza, what I assume are the cheese buns, chocolate brownies, strawberries, grapes and a bowl of fizzy sweets, as well as a bottle of sparkling white grape fizz.

''Oh Peeta,'' I sigh. ''This looks lovely, thank you.''

''It's never any problem,' he says as if it really was nothing. ''Now, I dare you to try one of these and tell me they're not the best things in the world,'' he insists, holding out a cheese bun for me to take.

''Alright,'' I say sceptically. I break a bit off, before putting it into my mouth, which instantly starts to water at the richness of it. The flavours dance on my tongue, the cheese piercing through my buds, making me close my eyes in delight. ''Woah, they're so good,'' I enthuse, breaking another piece off. ''Where did you get these from?''

''I made them actually, I know a guy in town who lets me use his bakery sometimes,'' he explains, taking a bite out of his. ''And seeing as it was an all so special occasion, I thought I'd make a batch,'' he says, mocking a posh accent, making me laugh.

''Well these Mr Mellark are very nice indeed,'' I say, nodding to him.

''Why thankyou Miss- shit. I've never noticed your last name,'' he says, his eyes widening in shock.

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