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Moon's POV-

Creak! I hear the door open loudly. I walk in as quietly as I could. I am in Winter and Qibli's dorm at JMA. They just recently added doors. I walk over and see Winter, sleeping peacefully. My heart shivers excitedly. Ugh, why does it have to do that, I think. Do what? I hear Darkstalker thinks to me.

Oh, nothing.

Please, tell me.

OK, fine. I like this dragon. His name is Winter and he is an Icewing.

Oh, you have a crush? Does he like you?

I think so.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Tell him your feelings tomorrow and see what he does. And then you can tell me what he said.

OK. I will do that.

I head back to Kinkajou and go back to sleep.


I woke up, refreshed. I think I will tell him at breakfast. I look over and see Kinkajou still fast asleep. Click, click, click. I hear the clicking of footsteps outside the door. I run over and peek through the crack and see Winter walking toward breakfast. "Hey, Kinkajou, wake up. Do you want to go to breakfast?" I ask her.

"Wha-what? Oh, sure," Kinkajou said a little sleepily.

I walk quickly out of our room and almost run to breakfast. "Hey, Moon! Why are you rushing?" I heard Kinkajou say as she was trying to catch up to me.

"I'm not rushing for anything," I tell her.

"Um, you know you are not a good liar, right? I know you are rushing. Now, please tell me," Kinkajou pleaded with me.

"OK, OK. So, I like Winter. And I think he likes me. I am going to tell him how I feel at breakfast," I tell her after I stop walking.

She looks taken aback. "But, I am the one who is crushing on him! You can't tell him!" she practically yells at me.

"What? But, why can't you like Qibli instead?" I tell her.

"I do like both of them! It's just that Winter is so... so shiny!" she says.

"That's all? Wow, your so shallow," I say harshly.

"What?" Kinkajou yells and then runs away.

"Kinkajou! Wait!" I yell at her.

I start to run away but then I hear a guys voice. He says,"Moon? What are you doing?"

I turn around and see Winter standing there. "Oh, Winter. Everything bad is happening to me. I just don't know what to do," I tell him after my heart leaps.

"Come follow me, Moon," he tells me as he starts walking.

I follow him to the library. "Um, Starflight? Can you leave us alone for a while?" Winter asked Starflight.

"No problem," Starflight said as he stumbled out of here.

"OK. Tell me what all happened," Winter said gently.

"Well, I told Kinkajou that I... that I like you. Then she freaked out and said that she likes you too. I asked her if she liked Qibli and she said she liked you both. Then she said she liked you because you are shiny. I told her she was shallow and she left me." I pour out.

"Wait, you like me?" he asks me.

"Um, yeah," I answer softly.

"I like you too." he said.

I scooted closer to him and intertwined my tail with his. We just sat like that the rest of the day.

So, Atla12, how do you like it? I can redo it if you want.

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