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I stare at the notepad in my hands. My quill tapped on the page, dotting ink everywhere. After three years, I decided to come home. I mean, fully come home, not just stay inside the Ministry. Oh, I'm sorry... I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Emma Abigail Potter. I'm 14 right now, and went to the ministry instead of school. I am a news reporter, or a journalist. I used to sort the files, but now I write the daily prophet. I used to have a fringe, and dark hair, but considering the spell that hid my metamorphmagus skills wore off, I am now cursed with the ever changing hair colours.

"Emma? Emma!" A familiar voice shouts. I look up, snapping out of whatever trance I was in. "Mum? Dad?" I stand up, grabbing my bag. "Emma!!!" Mum cries, engulfing me in her arms, sobbing. I stifled my cries, as I breathed in her scent. Mum's perfume calmed me, even if it was just Buttercream candles. Her hair smelled of roses, which once again, calmed me. I missed this.

"Oh, Emma. We missed you!" Dad smiles sadly, gathering both mum and I in his arms. "I missed you guys too."

This hug lasted about 3 minutes, until finally we all pulled away. "Emma, when we get home, there will be guests. James' friends are staying over for the summer. Okay?" Dad looks at me. "Yessir." I salute him, winking. We apparate to the Manor, and Mum and Dad scuttle off inside happily. I stand there, staring at my home. "Damn." I mutter, walking up the pathway. I hear loud muggle music blasting from inside, as I open the door. Warmth rushes over me like a cloud rolling over the horizon. Everything was the same. The chairs were in the same place, all the pictures and ornaments shined to perfection. And It was home.

I let out a big sigh, watching from the corner of my eyes as my hair turns blue. I start up the first flight of stairs, running my fingers along the railing. The music was intertwined with laughter and yelling. I rolled my eyes, walking down the hall to my room.

My room.

I point my wand at the lock, and whispered "Alohomora."

It glowed, and the door opened. I walked in, shutting the door loudly. My stereo was set up a both sides of my bed, and a silk white curtains blowed from the balcony doors that mum probably opened. In the corner was a small lounge. My desk was next to the balcony, sort of built in. Fairy lights were hung up all around my room, and my painted on quotes were scribbled on every wall.

I turned on my stereo. Pink Floyd played through my speakers, and almost instantly my hair turned white. I don't know what I'm feeling.

The Beatles were really getting on my nerves. I tried numerous techniques to block it out, except I couldn't. My hair suddenly turned red, as I stormed out of my room. "Ha! FAIL PADFOOT!" My brother's voice was echoing through the hall. I knocked three times, before swinging his door open. "JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER!" I screech, clenching my hands. Everyone froze, and the music stopped.

"Woah. Who's that?" A black haired boy whispers. My gaze turns to him, as feel anger building up inside again. "You know better than to play your music loud." I continue on. James sat there starstruck. Ha, boom bro.

"Emma." He replies in a questionable tone. "No, it's Jesus." I roll my eyes. "Yes, It's Emma!" I scoff. "EMMA!!!" James yanks me to the ground, and hugs me. I was quite small, so I was tucked up in his arms. "JAMES!!!" I mimic him, hugging him back equally as tight.

Someone clears their throat, so I look.


Woah woah woah.

Woa- Okay shut up now, Emma.

The boy with black hair stood with two other boys. He had black haired.. obviously, grey eyes, and a muscular figure. The next was a lanky boy, who had what looked like really soft brown hair hanging in his eyes, and a scar running across from the top of his left cheek, along his nose and stopping at his jaw. In his hand was a book.

The next was a short and stout boy, who looked way too shy. He had dirty blonde flat hair, small watery blue eyes and was eating a chocolate frog. "Oh. Emma, These are my friends. Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin." James introduces them one by one. Oh! So Lanky boy is Remus!

"Hola!" I greet, grinning. "Usted habla esta lengua?" Remus asks me in Spanish. I raise my eyebrows. "Lo hago, muchacho Larguirucho." I reply with ease. Remus starts laughing. "Hey, no lo hagas!" I whine. He asked me if I spoke that language, and I said I do, Lanky boy, then Hey, don't!

"I'm confused." James says dumbstruck. "Of course you are."



I'll be introducing my friend -CaptainJackSparrow-'s character in the 3rd chapter. Thank you to Eliana, who is currently my only reader :)

Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora