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(Quick, not really, A/N: I am really sorry for the lack of updates. I've had no inspiration for very long, but I've actually fell in love with this story and the way I've written it and the actors and character personalities. I understand that It has moved a bit fast in the first few chapters, but I am slowing it down because weirdly enough, I want to savour the story and make it last as long as possible. I am extremely grateful for all my readers, because I can tell you guys really like this book. Your comments and votes really make me feel like I've made something that makes other people happy. I'll continue with as many updates as I can manage, and try to make them hooking and emotionally beautiful. Anyway feedback is wanted, and kind of needed. I love reading your funny little comments, and when my readers meet and chat about the story, and also when you guys notice my little references to The Amazing Spiderman [Someone noticed! :D] I just feel happy and motivated to continue writing. This was a pretty long A/N, but oh well xD)



Honestly, today was not going well for me.

Currently, I am bolting to Transfiguration, stumbling like twenty times on the way. "Lordy lordy lordy lordy-" I squeak, dodging three lost first years. I almost drop my book, but with my amazing reflexes, I caught it before it hit the ground. 

The Transfiguration classroom came into view, and I quickened my pace. Look, I got tired and started fast walking; don't judge. I adjust my bag, and stopped. 

I carefully open the door, to see the whole class quiet.

See, you may be thinking 'Emma, what's so wrong with that?', Well, my youngins, Hogwarts is old and big and all that jazz. 

The door, the bloody door, was creaking very, very loudly. The class slowly turned around, to see me, the constipated-looking Emma Potter, who tried to be quiet.

"Miss. Potter, just open the wretched door." Minnie sighed. I let out a sigh of relief, and push the door open. "Please explain why you are late." She adds, as I pat down my hair. "Well, my dear teacher, my buddy, pal, friend, chummy chum-"


"Yeah yeah.. I slept in because I deserve sleep." I smirk, and slide in the seat next to Lily.

"Well, you also deserve a good education and a life. Miss. Evans will fill you in on what has happened so far, so do try to pay attention." Minnie chuckles, and continues on the lesson.

"Oh my Merlin, Emma! I did wake you up but you fell back to sleep!" Lily frets. 

"Saucy." I reply and look over at Zee who was sulking in the corner. I then saw that Peter was next to her, and I stifled laughter. "No one shall ever interrupt my slumber, child." 

"I am not a child! I am three months older then you!" Lily scoffs. "Hush, don't let them know!" I chuckle. Lily rolls her eyes, and giggles a bit. 

*Time Skip to Dinner*

"No, I'm dying." I say, clinging to the couch. 

"Emma you are perfectly fine-" I cut Zee off, gasping. "You don't know that! I could have a fatal illness and might drop dead!" 

"Get up!" Sirius yells in my ear, attempting to rip me off the couch. I slap him, then quickly cling to the couch again. 

They all tried to get me up, even Lily tried to help. James immediately started flirting, and she just flipped him off and walked away. 

"Remus!" They shout in unison. "Yes?" His voice sounds. "Get her up." Zee orders. I hear a sigh, and footsteps, then a door shut. 

"Emma?" Remus asks. "Fight me." I say, though it was muffled. 

"Uhm, no." He laughs slightly. "Come on, get up." He picks me up with ease, and I squeak. "Boy! Put me down!" 


I flip myself out of his arms, and scuttle to the door. "Scuttle scuttle away from trouble!!" I squeal, as Remus laughs. I break into a run, and basically fly down the stairs. Luckily, as I was airborne, the stairs stayed still. 

Remus ran after me, and I was getting a bit spooked, because guys, being chased by a lanky teenage boy is terrifying. 

I burst into the Great Hall, galloping in fear. "HAlp PlEase" I squealed. My hair was in a messy ponytail, and I was in black sweatpants and James' old Quidditch hoodie. 

I tackled James, and then rolled under the table in a poor attempt of coverage. 

James was sprawled across Sirius, and looked afraid. "What just happened?" Sirius said. Remus came waltzing up to the table, and James squinted up at him. "Mother... Is that you?" He asks, reaching to touch Remus' face. "No, it's Remus, you idiot." 

I wiggled out of underneath the table karate kicking Remus in the leg. "What the-" 

"Aha!" I laugh evilly. "I can see that you are in an extreme amount of pain."

"Emma, you tapped your foot on my leg. I'm not dying; or in pain."  Remus rolls his eyes. 




Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora