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(This chapter is for -CaptainJackSparrow-, considering this chapter is all about Zirius)


I roll off my bed, and groan as I hit the floor. I was very unhappy, considering I have not seen Emma properly for almost a whole week now. Emma Abigail Pooter, yes I do mean Pooter not Potter, is a poo face.

I change into my robes, and lazily stomp downstairs. My hair was lazily tied up, and kept swinging around and whipping the sides of my head. I decide to just let my hair down, and not surprisingly it was perfect. 

Like me.

Don't disagree

I will hurt you


I see a small pink haired chick sitting on the couch, and also a familiar werewolf. I cringe, and shudder. Ew. "Miss. Tonks, please go back to your own common room, this is the third time I've had to tell you in the past hour." Minnie glares at the Hufflepuff, obviously spooking the kid. She scuttles out, leaving a salty Remus Lupin on the couch. "Yo Lupin waddup." I fall over the back of the couch, looking at the glum chum. "Hello Zahara." He greets hesitantly. "Why are you so down in the dumps, kid?" I sit up, resting my head on my hands. 

"Nothing, I'm fine." He mutters, standing up and walking out. I gasp, placing a hand over my heart in mock hurt. "Roodie patootie." I shrug, getting up. 

"Ah, Zee! Just the person I was looking for!" The familiar sound of Sirius Black's voice says egotistically. "I wasn't looking for you, so bye!" I smirk, blowing a kiss and skipping out to the Great Hall. 

I slid into the seat next to Lily, who sat with Alice and Marlene. "Hullo my children." I greet, grabbing some toast. "Hello Zee." Lily grins. "Hi!" Alice and Marlene smile enthusiastically. 

Suddenly, just as I thought everyone had arrived, the closed doors opened. A brown haired girl walks in. Her eyes were glazed over, and she didn't seem to be concentrating on everyone.


James and Sirius stood up and opened their mouths, but she just walked past them. Bags were under her eyes, and she looked kinda pale. 

She walked past Lily, Alice, Marlene and I, but not without glancing sadly at us. 

She made her way to the Teachers table, and handed Dumbledore something, then she left. 

I frowned, but ate nonetheless. I was hungry, okay?


During History Of Magic, I couldn't help but be concentrated on Sirius. He was sending me notes, asking things about Emma and just other things. I was slightly jealous, because he was going on about Emma. Emma this, Emma that.

Until he sent me a note saying something slightly touching.

'I wanna make sure Emma is okay... She's the closest thing to a little sister I have, and she and James just are the nicest people, and I'm sure they get it from their parents. I need to know she's okay, and I want to know if there is anything I can do to help her.. Even if it means beating up Remus. The little idiot just has to realise that Tonks only likes him for his looks.

I smile, and began scribbling down a reply. 

'Merlin, never knew Sirius Black was such a softie. She likes chocolate and photography, and she also likes music and late night talks. But the problem is, she basically disappears. She'll be okay. Trust me, I've known her for years; she's stronger then she appears to be.

As I sent it over to Sirius, the bell chimed for lunch. He grabs it, and opens it. His eyes scanned the small piece of paper, and a smile slowly spread across his god like face- oh merlin... hakuna your tatas Zahara Leanne, golly.


Okay so this was kind of short but hey, a little bit of Zirius...

Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora