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Two Weeks Later


My eyes shoot open, as air rushes into my lungs like a tidal wave. I start coughing, squinting at the bright light. I lift my hand, desperately trying to blink away the swirling blur that cursed my vision. Though it didn't disappear. 

Panic starts rushing through my veins, as I keep blinking furiously. A strangled cry leaves my lips as I move my head. Footsteps rush over to me, and the fuzzy sound of Madame Pomfrey's voice echoes throughout the room. A sharp noise shoots through my ears, making me hiss in a sudden pain.

"Miss. Potter! Miss. Potter, I need you to calm down!" Poppy orders, as I feel her soft hands grip my shoulders. "You're going to be fine, Miss. Potter. I just need to check your eyes, okay?"

I nod hesitantly, inhaling shakily. "Could you please open your eyes for me?" Poppy asks softly. I nod once more, opening my eyes. The only thing I could see was a horrifically blurry world, where you couldn't make out anything in front of you. I feel tears fall down my cheeks, though I never knew they were there. "Why... Why can't I see anything, Poppy?" I whisper, my voice cracking. "Oh, dear. You poor girl... It seems as though... Emma, my dear.." Poppy stutters, not quite getting out the answer I needed. "Please." I beg, feeling a sob building up in my throat, "Please tell me, I'm... I'm scared, Madame Pomfrey." 

I hear her suck in her breath harshly, sighing loudly afterwards. "You... Since being effected by the spells used on you, your eyes have given in to the pressure. I do not know if... if it is t-temporary or.. or permanent... I-I... I must get Dumbledore, I'm sorry, Miss. Potter. I'm so sorry." I hear her sniff, and then walk away hastily. 

I frown at the silence. It was never quiet. I wasn't used to silence at Hogwarts.

After a few minutes, I hear the door creak open. "Can you help her, Albus?" Poppy's voice sounds. "I must examine her eyes first, Poppy." Dumbledore replies calmly, as their footsteps get louder. "Emma Potter." 

I don't move. "Miss. Potter, are you able to see anything?" 

I nod. "What can you see?" 

"Colours. All the colours that the room is, it's all blurry. I can't make anything out, and I don't know what I am looking at, but I of course know where I am." I explain to the best of my ability. 

"Ah, yes. I have good news for you; you aren't permanently blind, but I do not know when your eyesight will come back. You may go." 

I raise my eyebrows, but choose to oblige anyway. Poppy helps me stand, gripping my arm. I almost fall over, but Dumbledore steadies me. I close my eyes, breathing in, in an attempt to calm my rapidly beating heart. 

Poppy places something in my hand, and something over my eyes. "I've just put a cane in your hand; move it in front of you so you don't bump into anything. I've also put glasses to cover your eyes. You're going to be okay, Miss. Potter. Don't worry." She whispers the last two sentences to me, taking away a bit of the fear. 

"Sir, Miss- c-can you get my brother?" I whisper. "Of course. I will be right back." Dumbledore replies, swiftly walking off. 

"I'm so sorry." Poppy sighs, helping me sit back down. "Why?" I question, frowning. "Because you did not deserve to be hurt in such a horrific way. You were in a coma, Miss. Potter. Some thought you would not survive, others had a slice of hope. Almost two and half months, you were lucky." 

Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora