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"Oh come on, you must have a least a little crush on him!" Zee tries to compromise. "You always kind of blush when he is around."

"No! I don't. He's an arrogant jerkface who is so bloody full of himself!" Lily complains, sighing. "Oh, well, that's true at least." Zee smirks.

"Wait.. who are they?" Sure enough, two people were heading up towards the Whomping Willow, laughing rather loudly.

Back to the present:

Third person:

Zee squints, trying to make out the stumbling students. "I don't kno- Lily! WARN EMMA!!"

Lily's eyes widen. The two didn't fully understand the situation they were in, from start to end. They knew Remus had a problem of some sorts, but they didn't exactly know what the problem is. The red headed girl fumbles for her wand, dropping it as it appears in her grasp. "Merlin!" She curses under her breath, picking up the wand and flicking her hair away.

"Expecto Patronus!" She stutters, obviously getting the spell wrong. "N-no, Lily, it's 'Expecto Patronum'" Zee mentally face palms at her friends failed attempt at casting the spell.

"Oh- yeah.. Expecto Patronum!" A doe prances from the wand. "Message to Emma Potter! Two people are wandering very close to the Whomping Willow!" Lily squeaks. The doe flies off, but not towards the Willow. It flies straight into the forbidden forest, causing the two girls to gasp. "WHAT?!?!" Lily screeches, almost sounding like a banshee. "LILY! DID YOU EVEN SAY THE NEXT PART TO THE SPELL?!" Zee glares at Lily, feeling frustrated as all hell. "No! Shit.." Lily groans, slumping against the pillar.


I watch as Remus collapses to the ground in pain, doing everything I can to not drop to my knees to calm him. There was nothing I could physically do to help him, hardly anything would cure this. All I could do was make sure he didn't hurt himself all that much, and also to make sure no one enters or find out about this. "Are you sure this is the best place?" I whisper to Sirius, my eyes glued to Remus. "The Shrieking Shack? No one dares to come here. The only way to get in, is through from Hogwarts or through the Willow. It's basically a death sentence." I swear my heart stopped as he said death sentence.


Sirius' eyes widen, as he realises what he said. "Bollocks... I didn't mean it like that! I- ... Look, Vespere, Remus is going to be okay. We've been helping him since second year, well.. that's a lie actually, we weren't allowed to, we could only wait for him. We only started helping him last year, through the middle. Dumbledore only allowed us mid year." He explained. That didn't help at all. I mean, sure I've known about Remus being a werewolf for a long time, but I've never come along to help.

"Idiots." I mutter under my breath, crossing my arms. Remus lets out a cry, curling up into a ball. He began screaming, as his body writhed in agony. I felt the tears stream down my face, as I watched it all. I leaned against the wall, my eyes switching between my brother and his friends morphing into animals, and my boyfriend turning into a werewolf.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"What the heck?!" A different voice, that I've never heard before, says in shock. I shoot to the door, my eyes widening. I turn around, giving James a look, as I whip out my wand. I turn back, pointing it at the two. "Move." I order, as they walk backwards with eyes like saucers.

"What the hell is happening? Why are you in a room with a deer, dog and a rat with a monster?!?" The girl hisses, reaching for my arm. "Come on, we'll get you ou-"

"Don't touch me." I growl, "That 'monster' is my boyfriend, for your information. Now, I'll give you two choices. You either leave, forget all about this and don't tell anyone, or I'll have to do something I probably won't regret."

They roll their eyes. "If we leave, we are going to warn everyone that you are friends with a monster, and tell them to be aware!" The guy glares at me. My jaw clenches. "Incarcerous!" I shout, watching as the magical ropes wrap around the two. I drag them away, far away. It took about fifteen minutes.

I sit them down, and point my wand at them again, looking down at them. "I'm sorry." I whisper, my face falling.



Third Person:

Meanwhile, back in the Shrieking Shack, Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail all watched their best friend stand up on his werewolf hind legs. The creature growled, looking over his scarred shoulder, his eye flashing yellow in the shadows. The deer, Prongs, slammed his hoof on the ground in a lucky attempt to show superiority over the werewolf.

This caused Moony to jump back a bit, before composing himself again, growling. The shaggy black dog, also known as Padfoot, jumps forward, growling back. The small grey, thin rat squeaked, hiding in the corner. Wormtail was no match for the huge, looming werewolf that stood before him.

The werewolf attacked, leaping towards the deer. The dog tackled the werewolf, distracting him for a minute.

This particular full moon was way worse then how they usually were. The animagi didn't seem to understand at all, until at least an hour later the metamorphmagus animagi the Marauders grew to love, one more then her own brother, bursts in. Her hair was a glowing white colour, signalling her emotions were everywhere.

She was out of breath, and her cheeks were bright red. Emma Potter's eyes widen as she glances at the werewolf, and the dog weakly standing as the deer tried to deal with the creature. She steps forward, tears in her eyes. "Remus! Remus, stop. I know you can hear me, I know you understand. Please, its me. It's Emma, I'm here now." She reaches out, only for the werewolf to slash at her arm. Emma cries out, as the dog barks viciously, and the deer lets out some sort of 'baa', his posture lifting, trying to seem larger and more dominant.

Emma seemed to ignore the light and trickling gash on her arm. "Remus." She pleads, making some sort of connection with the out of control werewolf. Something clicks in his mind, as he physically calms. He whimpers, laying on the wooden floor, and looking guilty and defeated. "You're okay, I promise you." She whispers, crawling over and runs her hand across his head, in a comforting way.

After a while, the animagi, the metamorphmagus, and the calm werewolf all sat, or lied, and slept. Besides Emma. Her hair was a beautiful, soft shade of brown. Her eyes were a default chocolate colour. They switched between the boys. Her brother, who was no longer a red buck. Sirius, the boy she would rather call a brother then a friend. And Peter, the boy who made no noise, but was kind, although he seemed uneasy around everyone.

...All was well.




Aurora- Runaway, Running with the Wolves, Half the World Away, Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1.)

Daughter- Youth

Oh Wonder- Without you.

(and more but I can't remember because I wrote this in sections heehee)

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