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I stand next to Zahara, watching the boys put on a show on the Quidditch Pitch. They were dancing and shooting fireworks from their wands.

I wasn't actually paying attention, but I was writing down all the things I could see from my position, and one by one putting them into great description.

"EMMMAAAAA!" James yells. I move my eyes up, and making my signature face (raised eyebrow).

I place my wand on my neck, muttering a spell so it sounds like I'm talking normally right next to him. "What, James?"

"Stop being boring and be the girl I remembered from my 10 year old life!"

I sigh. "James-"

"No! At least watch!" He whines. I roll my eyes, placing my notepad down, and coming over to the railing. "Fine. Show me what you got. Silencio." My voice goes back to normal. Remus stares up at me. He winks, and I wiggle my fingers. He blows me a kiss, earning a smile to stretch onto my face. I dodge the kiss, making Remus pout. I just roll my eyes, watching the boys go in formation.

I am going to cry.

Zahara winced, and I just held my head in my hands. "Accio brooms." Zahara mutters. I hold out my hand, catching the handle. I mount it, flying off. I flip upside down, hovering over a confused Remus. He looked around the stands, for me. I face him, grinning. I turn his head and cheekily kiss his nose. "Looking for me, Lupin?" I ask innocently. He rolls his eyes. "Jesus.." He mutters. "Nope, It's Emma, actually." I reply, patting his cheek and flying off again.


I head to class, my bag carrying all the essential items I needed for, I think,  Arithmancy, with Professor Vector.

I casually stroll in, taking my seat.

Now, before you think about it, Yes, I am smart. I wasn't taught things repeatedly, though. "Miss. Potter." Professor Vector starts bluntly. I look up wide eyed, my cheeks sucked in. A smile seeps onto her lips. "I haven't had a Miss. Potter in my class before. I had a Miss. Brown, but not her daughter. You are new?" She walks over. I nod. "Pretty much. I'm actually a journalist, but Mum and Dad enrolled me here, much to my dismay." I smile awkwardly. "Well, you fit right in, dear. You have a very, very intelligent family." Vector walks to her desk. I was magically making little people out of paper, when two people sit on either side of me. "Oh, hey Remus. James." I had my eyebrows up a little, a tired and neutral look was on my face. "Hey Emma." They both respond happily.

Arithmancy was quite fascinating, but I had no idea what was going on half of the time. I catch Remus staring at me from the corner of my eye. I turn my head to look at him. I bite my lip, smiling. He blushes, but doesn't remove his gaze. I flick his cheek cheekily. Remus rolls his eyes.

Vector hands out the sheet, saying it's fine if you just want to talk. "I don't actually need to teach you right now." She said.

I lean my head on Remus' shoulder, slowly answering the questions.

1: Why do we need numbers in Arithmancy?

I roll my eyes. Well, it's because we tell the future with the numbers. 

Remus leans his head on mine, and I move my head a little.  Remus was also answering the questions. 

I was about to smile, but something hit the back of my head. It lands on my bag. I grab the note, opening it.

Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora