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(A/N: This chapter is possibly my favourite at the moment. Hope you enjoy.)


It's been two months, and I really was head over heels in love with Remus John Lupin. 

I was sitting in my room, looking out the big window. Suddenly, Lily burst into my room. She was out of breath, and looked afraid. "EMMA! Remus.. He- hurt.. bleeding-" I shoot up, throwing a jumper on, and followed Lily out. 

My legs were picking up the pace, and soon we were running to the Hospital Wing. I noticed James and Sirius and Zee getting shooed away by Poppy. 

I run over, and realise that the full moon was only a few hours ago. I choke back a sob when I see his state. There was a deep cut across his chest, and he had a lot of deep cuts across his arms and legs. I walk forward, and Poppy yawns. "I can take over, Poppy. Go get rest." I say, looking over at her. She looks hesitant for a second, then remembered that I helped him last time, and nodded. I began to clean the cuts, and got out my wand. I watched as Remus whimpered, and looked over at me. I placed my hand on his cheek, and he closed his eyes leaning into my hand, like I did two months ago outside the kitchens. I grab a potion that Poppy had set out, and carefully help Remus take it. When he finished, he relaxed, but still was obviously in pain. I pick up my wand, pointing it at his gashes. "Vulnera Sanentur." I mutter. Remus cried out, and squirmed as if trying to get away from the spell. I caress his cheek, softly shushing him. The gashes disappeared, though there was scars and blood. "Tarego." I say simply, and all the blood cleared away. 

I turn around, to see Zee wiggling her eyebrows, and exiting after the others. I feel my heartbeat faster as I turn back to Remus. He sat up, and I moved closer to clean off any dirt on his torso. He leaned forward and rested his forehead on me. I paused and looked up at him. 
He put his hand on my face, and I placed my own over it.

Remus' lips hovered a couple centimetres from mine. My hair slowly turned pink, causing Remus to chuckle a bit. He pressed his lips to my forehead, much to my disappointment. 

You know those Eskimo kiss things? That's basically what just happened no less then three seconds ago. (Gif at the top)

I smile, as Remus does. We laugh for a couple seconds, before I lean towards his lips. Remus does the same, until James and Sirius and Peter barge in. I jump away, standing up, smoothing down my shirt and clearing my throat. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" They wail, throwing their arms around him. "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" They add just as dramatically. "You guys say that every time I'm here..." Remus sighs, looking at me all the while the boys cried on him. "I'm gonna go. Remus needs rest, so boys, go to your dorm." I order, sliding my jumper back on. "Oh hush." Sirius waves me off. "We need our Remmy time, we had him first."

I blush. "Shut up." 

I walk out, thinking about what just happened, and tucked my hair behind my ear, smiling widely. Lily and Zee greet me as I walk into the common room, grinning. "Okay, what happened?" Zee smirks, sitting up. "Nothing! I fixed up Remus and then the guys came in." I lied, heading to my room. They follow me inside, sitting on the couch. "Emma Abigail Potter, tell us what happened!" Lily said sternly, looking pretty terrifying. "Fine! It was nothing.. we just kinda-" 

The door flies open, and Sirius runs in with a few pictures. 

"REMMA IS SAILING!!!" He squeals.

Zee and Lily gasp, flying over and grabbing the pictures. I groan, flopping onto my bed. 

The pictures were:

Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora