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(A/N, The gif, I know you guys really want Remma to kiss and get together, but we gotta take it slow. Can't be like other fanfiction, can we? We are very unique :D)


I stare at myself in the mirror, and put on my perfume, and lip balm. 

I wasn't one for extreme make up, simple eye shadow and mascara and lip balm was more my style. 

I was dressed in the school uniform; white button up tucked into a grey skirt that was above my knee, and the grey Gryffindor cardigan. 

I slid my glasses onto my face, and head out of my dorm, bumping into my brother. Today, we looked identical. We always did, considering we are twins, but my hair was the same shade of brown as his, and my eyes were the same colour. The only thing different was obviously our body physique, and our clothes. Oh, and personalities.

"What the-" We say at the exact same time. I narrow my eyes, as he does the same. "Hello." Again, we say in unison. "Stop it!- I said that! No I said it! Stop copying me! I am a stupid butthead! I smell like cabbage! Ha, you said you smelled like cabbage! What! No-"

"SHUT UP!" Everyone groans. "NO!" We yell back. We glare at each other, as we began walking in time. "James/Emma! STOP!" We bellow, both of us were clearly getting annoyed. "Walk over there- No, you! NO! YOU WALK OVER THERE!" 

We continued bickering, and basically mirroring each others movements. I was getting very salty at James, and vice versa.

Soon we appeared at the Hospital Wing, still arguing. I glare at James, as he glares at me. I walk over to Remus, and thankfully James did not follow. He was fast asleep, and looked so peaceful. He still had light bruises, but they wouldn't be bothersome. I sat on the side of his bed, and took his hand. "Remus? Remus, you gotta wake up. It's Monday." Remus' eyes fly open as he scrambles out of the bed. James throws his uniform at him, as I stand up to leave. I pull the curtain across, and head over to Poppy. "Poppy!" I sing, as the ageing woman bustles out. "You know, you are the only student I think I'll ever allow to call me that." She tuts, fixing her head piece thing. 

"Well, I feel honoured. Anyway, I gotta take Remus away for classes and stuff, seeing as he's all better now." I explain, as a soft smile spreads across her face. "Alright, take care of him." She winks, and then shuffles back into her office, muttering 'Young love.' and closing the door.

I must've looked pretty shocked, because as I walked over back to James, he laughed. "Woah, whats up you? Did Poppy explain the birds and the bees to you?" 

I shook my head, smacking him upside the head. "No, you git. I was just surprised by something she said." James wiggles his eyebrows, earning another smack. 

Remus steps out, fixing his tie with his jumper hanging from his arm. My eyes widened again, and James broke into laughter again. James dances off, going on about asking out Lily again. 

Remus walked over to me, resting his forehead on mine and wrapping his arms around my waist. I gripped the strap to my bag, and looked at Remus. He looked like he was about to say something, but cleared his throat instead. He let go, and stood a few feet from me. Ouch. 

"Jeez, do I smell that bad?" I roll my eyes. Remus chuckles, and shakes his head. I cross my arms, and begin to walk. Remus had put his jumper on, and held a book in his hand. "Where did you even get that book?" I frown, looking up at his scarred face. I felt slightly upset, because he didn't deserve any of the pain he was forced to deal with.  "James bought it for me." He replies shortly, and I just shrugged his saltiness off. "Fair enough." 

Remus stops, and mutters something. I turn around, only to be met with Remus only two centimetres from my lips. My breath hitches, and my heart sounds the alarm. "Bloody hell Emma..." He murmurs, his hands on my waist. "No." Is all he says and lets go, walking off, leaving me utterly confused.

Bro you can't just-


I walk into the Great Hall, pushing my glasses up my nose. I sit next to Zee, resting my head on her shoulder and sighing. "Ello Potter, whats got you so down in the dumps?" She strokes my face, resting her head on mine. I flick her hand, and she cradles it to her chest. "Golly, savage pumpkin butt." She mutters, kissing her hand. 

"I'm just.. confused. It's fine." 

Zee hugs me, and Lily pats my hand. "He'll come through." Lily whispers optimistically. 

I look down the table, only to make eye contact with Remus. He quickly looks back to his book, suddenly shy. He was back to normal then.

"Yeah. I'm sure he will." I sigh, biting into my waffle. 



Short >u<

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