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(A/N, When do you think Remus and Emma should get together?)


"Can I talk to you?" Remus asks. I raise an eyebrow.  "You can. I believe you are fully capable of speech, and I do think you have a good vocabulary." I answer sarcastically taking a bite from my brownie. "That.... is not what I meant by talk. I meant privately, a serious talk.(A/N, don't you guys dare make a name pun omg)" He pinches the bridge of his nose, and crossed his arms. "You can, later." I turn around, going back to my dessert. 

"Emma I-" I turn back around, and glare slightly. "What is it Remus? Generally when people turn around, they don't want to talk anymore." I snap, trying not to be upset. The ends of my hair turned blue, and it slowly crept to the roots. "I- I... I'm sorry.. I'll go." He looked genuinely hurt, and it looked as though he lost all confidence in himself. I felt extremely bad, and stood up, grabbing his sleeve. "Remus." I sigh, looking down. I look around, to see a few people staring. I let go, and step back a bit. "I'll be in the secret room, you can talk to me whilst I do my Ancient Runes homework." I look up at the lanky boy's scarred face. His hair hung in his eyes, and he still looked hurt. "Okay. I'll see you then." 

I nodded, walking back to my seat, putting pudding in my bowl, and depressingly ate it. Zee was smuggling sweets into a little pouch, but I just poured the bowl into my bag, and grabbed like seven chocolate blocks. I wrapped a piece of cake, and then shut my bag. I finished my pudding, and then stood up, walking to the Common room. I got a lot of stares, as I walked out. The castle was quiet, besides the echoing sounds of the moving staircase, which I had to walk up.

After a few minutes, I made it to the door. "Pibbity Truffle Buttery Pigs" I said lazily. "I really like the current password, don't you?" The Fat Lady gushes, and opens the door. "Well, it's very creative."  I mutter. As I travel into the empty common room, a crack of thunder sounds. I sigh, closing the window, and dry the window seat that was soaked. I lit the fire, and then travelled to the room behind the stairs. It was like the secret Gryffindor library, that Lily and I discovered last year. We asked McGonagall, and she only smiled, saying that the room hadn't been opened since she was at school. 

Lily and I showed Remus, and as far as we know, only us three know about it. 

There was a large window, with a huge couch in front of it. There was a spiral staircase, leading to a platform with a window and a telescope and a ledge for astronomy. Books on Astronomy were up there.

I head to the Ancient rooms section, and grab the book I needed. I grabbed my bag and took out some of the food I salvaged. I began doing my work, and after about ten minutes, I heard someone walk in. Remus appears at the doorway, and crossed his arms. "Hello Remus." I murmur, looking at my notes, then back at the assigned book. "Hi Emma." He cautiously walks over, and sits down on the chair across from me. "What do you need to talk about?" I ask, scribbling down the answers on the parchment.  "Us." He replies simply in a gruff voice. My grip on my quill becomes loose, and I pause for a second. "What about us?" I reply in a shaky voice, trying to force my hair to stay blonde. During the ten minutes, I had quickly changed into a dark blue shirt with a white superman symbol on it and black sweatpants. "What happened to you?" He asks after a few minutes, exasperated. I felt a sudden push of rage, as I stood up abruptly, and slammed my hands on the table. "What happened to me?!?! What happened to you! You never just go out with someone when you hardly know them! Do you even like her?" I hiss, my hair turning red. My knuckles were white from gripping the table. "For your information, Emma, I've actually liked Tonks for a while now! at least a month!" He shoots back, his eyes flashing gold. I feel my eyes tearing up from hurt, and my hair began to turn white. "Oh." Is all I can manage to get out. "She is the nicest, most beautiful girl I have met! We've only been dating for a little under a day, but I feel like I love her!" He goes on. I shaking, my hair shrouding my face, as he rambles on about how perfect Tonks is. 

"Get out." I mutter. "What?" Remus frowns. I look up, and lock eyes with him. "I said, Get out." I repeat slightly louder. "Why?" 


I lift my hand, and bring it across his face. It makes a loud sound, and echoes slightly throughout the large place. 

Remus cups his cheek, looking at me with wide eyes. My face was in shock, and I was focused on my shaking hand. I grabbed my wrist, and cradled my arm to my chest. Tears fell down my cheek, as I sit back down in my chair. "Just... go." I say softly, not bothering to apologise. 

Remus doesn't hesitate to storm out of the room. 

I hear the door slam shut, and I break down again. I shouldn't have overreacted; or slap him for that matter. I shove my belongings into my bag, and walk out. Nobody notices, as I stumbled from the staircase. Sirius, James, Peter and Remus sat in the common room, chatting. I stopped for a second, but then proceeded forward. I make my way through the door, and head to Dumbledore's office. 

"Sugar Quills." I say. The Gargoyle moves, and reveals a staircase, which I walk up. I lightly knock on Dumbledore's door. "Come in, Miss. Potter." A voice calls. 

I open the door, walking inside. "Hello Professor." I say glumly. "Ah, Emma Potter." He smiles slightly, looking at me through his half moon spectacles.  "What brings you here?" 

I sit down, and sigh. "I was wondering if I could do my work in the Gryffindor secret room, and possibly not go to classes, only come out for food and events that I must turn up to. I was also wondering if I could live in that room." I ask nervously. 

"Miss Potter, are you quite alright? Has something happened?" He raises an eye, sitting in his chair. I sigh, and fiddle with the handle on my bag. "I just... want time to myself." 

Dumbledore thinks for a second. "I will come and check on you, and I will assign you a tutor. But I will only allow this, until you feel better." I felt relieved, and smile. "Thank you very much, Professor." 

"Mr. Lupin doesn't understand everything right now, he just needs time. He'll come around, Miss. Potter." Dumbledore calls out, just I close the door. I frown, heading back to the Gryffindor Common Room. 

"Emma." James says as I arrive. "James." I reply shortly, heading to the secret room. "We need to tal-"

"No, we don't. Bye." As I walk into my new room. A four poster bed and all my belongings and a wardrobe had appeared, and a fluffy Gryffindor carpet had been placed on the dark pine wooden floor. I sat on my bed, and stared of the big window dome wall thing. You couldn't see anything apart of this room from the outside, thanks to Magic. 

I realised Lily and Remus still knew about this place, and I sighed.

A note appeared on my bed suddenly. I grab it, and open it. 

"You'll find a new extension to the library 'secret room' dedicated to muggle novels and other stories.

P.S, I have made sure Miss. Evans and Mr. Lupin have no idea your new dormitory exists.

Professor Albus Dumbledore."

I smiled, and placed the note down, getting into bed. The sounds of thunder and lightning soon lulled me to sleep, and soon all the candles softly dimmed. 


Should I get some Zirius (Zahara and Sirius) action going? I don't mind, but I do think considering Emma will be in her little hideaway for a while, maybe we should start getting Sirius and Zee flirting.

Thank you guys for all the support, i.e votes and comments!

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