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(A/N, I made a mistake last chapter, they're actually in their sixth year not fifth I got confused xD)



It wasn't that Emma didn't understand the world, it was that she could never understand the species that inhabited it. Humans, to be specific. 

She never understood their way of thinking, and she would never understand how they could be so cruel. 

As she stared up at the ceiling of the hospital wing, she thought about this.

She thought of why her friends and teachers were rushing around her, and then getting pushed away by Madam Pomfrey. She began to wonder how she got here, considering she keeps losing consciousness. 

Emma meets the eyes of her boyfriend, who was saying something to her, though she couldn't seem to hear him.  She lifted her bloody hand, but dropped it after a second or two. 

She couldn't seem to focus on anything, and it was  beginning to freak her out a little bit.

Stay here. Stay awake. Don't go, Emma. Just bloody hang on.

Soon, the sixteen year old girl fell into a sleep, her breathing hitched but steady. The pain slowly subsided as she lost consciousness, letting her rest peacefully, until the next time she awoke.


A young werewolf by the name of Remus Lupin was found lying on his bed, a bottle of firewhiskey residing in his clammy hand. His red cheeks were soaked with tears, with new ones overlapping the old. He takes another sloppy swig of his drink, and lets out another sob.  

"Remus," James starts softly, "Stop." 

Remus glares at the ceiling, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. His dull, greenish brown eyes were bloodshot and droopy, not complimenting his face like they would normally do. Remus opens his mouth to say something, but all that comes out is a strangled cry. He shuts his eyes tightly, curling up in a little ball. 

"Moony.. Remus, please." Sirius replaces James' voice, walking over to the heartbroken boy. "She's going to be okay. Those Slytherins are going to pay, okay?" 

Remus shakes his head, licking his chapped and bleeding lips. "She was anything but a bitch to them, though. I just don't understand how people can be so... so cruel. She did nothing! What if she doesn't make it?! Those Slytherin's should pay more than just puny school detentions!" 

James wipes away a stray tear from his face, running his shaky hand through his knotted hair. "Look, Remus. She may be your girlfriend, but she's my baby twin sister. I'm going to make sure those shitheads feel more pain than what the Cruciatus Cure could ever do. I swear to Merlin, Moony, if you keep being so goddamn pessimistic about this, I bet you Emma will slap you as soon as she wakes up, you hear me?" By this point, tears were streaming down all of the boy's faces. Peter was nowhere to be found, as per usual.

  "I'm sorry." Remus whispers, only to be pulled into a tight hug from James and Sirius. The silence was soon broken by none other than Sirius Black, who asked one of the most thought of question between him and James. "Hey, Remus? How are you not drunk yet?" 

Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora