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(A/N:I'm skipping to the middle of their fourth year because basically I'm too lazy to write about the holiday and all that jazz rip. Gif: How Sirius hugs Emma, but she is facing him more and its more sad)


I watch as Nymphadora Tonks approaches Remus, all her little Hufflepuff friends giggles behind her. I had nothing against Tonks, she was kind and caring and very loyal, but I still felt weird about her asking out Remus. 

Sirius had left James with Remus, and went to chase after girls because he was bored. James wouldn't stop whinging and moping. Lily had to go over and slap him, and surprisingly enough that worked. He was holding his cheek like some God or something had just blessed him. Zee was too busy sleeping, and I was trying, hint trying, to do my divination homework. "Accio my twin brothers bag" I whisper, and James's bag comes flying towards me I catch it, and pull out his salvaged sandwich. I sent his bag back over, furiously unwrapping the bread covered chicken and mayo. I take a frustrated chomp from it, watching as Tonks giggles and Remus smiles. A pang goes through me, and I suddenly feel hopeless and not so confident. Lily seems to notice to this, and wraps her arms around me. I depressingly eat my sandwich, sniffling. 

I've only just started to notice my true feelings for Remus for a couple weeks now. I've tried to push them away, obviously because last year I was too open and instantly fell for many people. I've learned that it won't get me anywhere with anyone. I then stopped with the fake feelings I felt, and tried to get to know him better. It was hard, considering he never wanted to talk to me much. Tonks throws her arms around Remus, and they hug. James looked furious, and Peter (whom I only just noticed sitting next to James) looked utterly confused. I got up, shoved all my belongings into my satchel, and storm out of the library. My hair started to turn green, and glowed slightly. I heard Lily squeak, and slap Zee. There was a faint thump, so I just assumed Zee fell on the floor. I break into a run, flying down the staircase and into the courtyard. I slam into Sirius, and then burst into tears. I rarely cried, and I hated myself for crying over a bloody boy. Who I had only just started crushing on. Sirius instantly wraps his arms around me protectively, like James would, and left the Ravenclaw girl alone as he lead me away. "Vespere? Are you okay?" He said softly, moving my hands from my face. I probably had mascara running down my cheeks, mixing in with my warm tears. 

I don't answer, because I could just be overreacting. I just shrug miserably, and gently grabs me into another hug, and just holds me until I stopped crying. He holds me under his arm, glaring at everyone as he lead me to I guess the common room. He mutters the password, and leads me inside. I glance up at his face, and I was a slightly afraid for a second. His face was cold and hard, no emotion besides a death look.

I peek out from his shoulder to see Tonks sitting with Remus and Lily and Zee, along with my brother and Peter

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I peek out from his shoulder to see Tonks sitting with Remus and Lily and Zee, along with my brother and Peter. 

Sirius nearly exploded when he saw Tonks cuddling with Remus. I whimpered as she kissed him cheek and giggled into his shoulder. Remus grinned happily, intertwining their hands. 

Our whisper goes...| R.J. Lupin LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora