Chapter 3: I'm a Vampire

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*from first chapter**

Then I see myself again. My eyes are the color of blood. My face is wrinkle, zit, mole, redness free.

"Helen, sweetie, sorry,"

I turn to see Mr. William. He looks sad and upset with himself. Why is he sorry for? Why did he call me sweetie?

Okay, I'm totally freaking out!

"Helen, do you believe in myths and legends?" he sighs, "How about vampires?"

No, shit, no, wait...

"I turned you into a vampire," Mr. William said.

Ha, no, he is kidding!


No way.

He is freaking kidding right? Why can't he just tell me that he did me last night? Wouldn't that be more believable?

I look myself in the mirror again. My eyes they are bloody red.

I see Mr. Will's reflection being blurred then normal on the mirror. "Sorry, I swear, my intention was never to change you. I dont know what happened."

I turn to him, "What do you mean CHANGE?! I am me! I'm Helen."

I push him and run to the door in like half a second. What the? That was super fast...

Whatever, I open the door and walk away. I dont know where I am though.

"Helen," Mr. Will catches up and turns me to him. I feel his body against mine with so much warmth.

"Please let me explain. You arent human anymore,"

I push him so hard that he hits the wall and makes a hole in it.

"Ugh, Helen, please you-" Mr. WIll stands, "You are stronger than me right now."

"Did I just push you?" I ask.

I cant believe it! I am like a superhero now.

"Yes, do you know understand what is happening?" he asks.

I say no. This isnt happening.

"You are a vampire. You are my partner now."

"I am not a vampire especially your freaking partner!" I yell.

I feel so much anger inside boiling like if hell is inside me. I begin to growl like if I am a dog.

"Helen, relax," Mr. Will whispers.

"NO! I am not anyone property or girl. I am me."

I push him and punch his face in. I see a purple bruise on his cheek but suddenly it slowly disappears.

"Stop it Helen," he groans. He takes me by my wrists and puts me agaisnt the wall. "I know how you feel right now but trust me it gets better."

"let me go!"

"No until you control your anger."

I breathe in for a few seconds then he releases me.

"You must be hungry though,"

I feel my throat dry. I am also smelling things I never really noticed before. Like how the walls smell like rust, Mr. Will's skin smells like cherry, and I smell something sweet coming up the hall.

"Sir, is everything okay?" a maid asks. She is young like 22 with tan skin and pretty long brown hair and a long skinny body with a french maid outift. (It isn't short but still sexy.)

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