Chapter 21: Getting things done

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Two Days Later:

Jimmy and I are visiting Brad at the park. We want to make sure he hasn't turned or been worse. We walk towards the basketball court. Lozanno and Justin (kid from baseball) are playing while Brad is looking at them.

"Hi Helen," Justin says.

Lozanno scores a basket and waves hi to me. "Hello boys, how you are guys doing?"

"Good," they say.

Brad walks towards us, "Kids, I hear an ice cream truck coming. Go buy some cones for you." He gives the kids money and they run. "Hi Helen, Hi Jimmy."

"Hey," Jimmy says, "how are you feeling?"

"Good, I haven't had any weird dreams and well I kept my anger in a good level. I haven't turned."

Good, I know he can do it. Brad isn't a bad person. I smile, "Good. I am glad you have been able to control it."

He sighs deeply, "I am feeling weak though. I feel like my body has been wasting energy by just doing small things."

"Umm," Jimmy says, "I need to tell you guys something."


"Brad remember the guy we talked about last time? William?"

"Yeah," Brad says.

"Wait what? What about him?" I ask.

"He is here,"

What? Now?

"Jimmy where?" I ask. "tell me now!"

"Whoa Helen,'" Brad tries to calm me down but I slap his arm away.

"Where tell me now?" I exclaim.

"He is at a hotel but he hasn't told me anything else," Jimmy says, "Hell please relax."

I am feeling happiness, fear, exciment, and nervousness. I need to see him. It is almost a month I haven't seen him or heard his voice.

"Helen, is this William guy important? You did say he can help me," Brad asks.

The boys come running with ice cream cones in hand. I can't say anything at least not yet.

"Dad, can you take me to Justin's house?" Lozanno asks.

"yeah take them," I say. "you can meet us at the hotel. I text you the address."

Brad nods, "alright. Let's go kids."

"Bye Helen," Justin says.

"Bye," I whisper. They leave in Brad's truck. I turn to Jimmy, "why didnt you tell me this earlier?"

"Because I thought it be easier with Brad around."

Huh? Ugh, whatever, now I know that Will is okay and here. I quickly run towards my car and wait for Jimmy. He opens the car door and hops in. "So what now?" I ask. "we just wait till he calls you?"


"Well let's go to downtown area. Maybe he is at a hotel there."


Will finally calls Jimmy. We drive to the hotel and ask the receptionist about Will's whereabouts. She tells us we need to go to the main top floor to meet up with him.

We arrive to this grand office space. Another door opens and I see WIlliam. He has facial hair again and he is wearing a typical black suit.

"Oh wow, she is very pretty," a tall white skin blue eye man appears. He is a vampire. I see how golden his eyes are and his scent is different. Then I see a copy of the same guy smirking at me. "Hello Helen," he says.

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