Chapter 18: Emilia and Will

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Past time:

"A coffee with toast please," I say to the pretty brown skin waitress.

She nods and walks away with my order.

I take a deep breath. I'm finally at peace. My decision to move to Utah was a great one. I look out and the stars shine bright. Few people are outside this January night.

I hear a bell jingle as the restaurant door opens.

"Wait, Emilia,"

I suddenly see a young girl run by and sit in the booth in front of me.

She looks up with giant brown/hazel eyes and smiles. She places her brown straight hair behind her ears and waves hi.

Then a blonde teenage girl blocks my view. "Okay Emilia, I ordered you some pancakes with milk. Now please promise me you wont tell your parents about Chris," the teen says.

Emilia, that's a lovely name.

"Fine, but you better play with me next time you babysit. You will do my hair and play tea," Emilia says.

The waitress comes with my coffee and toast. "here you go. If you need anything just call me."

"Thanks," I smile and drink my coffee.

I hear Emilia talk about some girls at her middle school. I discovered the blonde girl name is Stephany.

I drink my coffee and eat my toast. Stephany walks away for the restroom leaving me with Emilia.

"Do you think I should still watch like cartoons? Is not something dumb?" she randomly asks me.

"Well you are a little girl," I answer.

"I am 11," she smiles.

I nod, "cool."

Stephany comes out of the restroom, "hey lets go." she takes her hand and they leave. I pay my bill and ask the waitress for some take out. I look at the calendar hanging on the west wall. January 14, 1996.

It has been almost 60 years since my Rose died. Exactly this day, I look down to my pocket watch and see her picture. Her brown hair is picked up and she is wearing her favorite pearl necklace and smiling bright.

"Here you go big boy," the waitress says. I thank her and exit the restaurant.

I am walking around when I smell blood, lots and lots of blood. I stop and turn and see a dark alley. Great maybe a homeless has overdose. I step foward but I smell her sweet scent. I hear her whimpering and yelping. I run towards the alley and see Stephany in a ocean of blood. She's dead. Someone stabbed her.

"Emilia," I yell.

"I kill her too. You-you took my girl away from me,"

I turn and see a guy holding Emilia with a knife on her neck. Is this Chris?

"help," she says.

"shut up brat. You told her didn't you?" he yells.

"relax," I say. "put the girl down."

He shakes his head violently no. His eyes are full of rage and greed. His thoughts are so dark. "I lost my love. She told her about my secret."

"I don't know who you are!" Emilia yells.

"shut the fuck up!" he yells.

He cuts her cheek. She yells in pain and see her blood going down her skin. I push her away and punch his face in knocking down teeth. He gets up quickly and stabs me on the side of my stomach. It only stings a bit.

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