Chapter 32: Going Further

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Helen opens her eyes and looks at me with confusion. "Will?"

"Hey," I help her sit on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

She touches the neck brace. "What happened?"

I take the brace off and explain what happened. "Exorcism?" she asks.

"Just in case," I answer. "We still are trying to do something else."

"So what do I do?" she asks. I pet her hair away from her face. "Just be relaxed."

Helen sighs, "It sucks so much."

"I'm sorry," I say.

"For what?"

"For leaving you alone," I answer.

She frowns, "I deserved it. I am so sorry though, if I thought I had it bad, I can just imagine how you felt."

I touch her cheek, "I understand how you felt with Carter. Having that special someone say to you that they love you after so much time, I understand. I can't expect you to grow up when you are barely 18."

She chuckles, "thanks," she begins to cry. "Thanks for forgiving me." Helen hugs me tight.

"I missed you," Helen whispers.

"I missed you too," I say. I kiss her neck.

She pulls away, "Thanks for helping me through this."

"No problem," I smile. "Now, you need some blood. Emilia prepared some wine for you."


I take her hand and we walk to the kitchen. I see Emilia in a simple black dress cooking.

"Emilia?" I ask.

She turns around, "Hey."

"Can you give Helen a glass of wine?" I ask her.

She nods, "Of course." she grabs a wine glass and the bottle from inside the refridgetor. She serves the wine and gives it to Helen. "Enjoy."

"Thanks," Helen begins to devour the wine. I hear her lightly moan as the blood goes down her throat.

"Louis and Paris will be coming soon," Emilia breaks the silence.

I nod, "Good, has Brad called?"

"Brad?" Helen exclaims. "He knows?"

"He knows you are here. It is not my responsibility to tell him what is going on," I say.

Helen looks down at the glass, "How can I tell him it wasn't me that had sex with him?"

"You shouldn't," I say, "just say you need a break. You aren't interested in him."



"I talked to Mr. Dale, " Louis says, "He might help as long as we tell him what is really going on. He suspects something."

I look at Jimmy. He is siting next to Helen in the lovers couch. "He is a very religious man. He believes in demons and I think he knows that Louis is some sort of demon to him."

Louis chuckles and drinks his whiskey. "He is not a dummy. He question how I knew about spirits and such. I told him I studied them but he didn't buy it."

Paris sits on top of the arm couch next to Louis. She fixes her short black skirt and white blouse. "Why don't I just go inside of Helen's mind?" she asks with a smirk.

"No," I say.

"Isn't that my choice?" Helen asks.

"She is right," Louis says.

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