Chapter 27: Will's past

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19 years ago.

I have decided to get my doctor's degree in medicine and to become a doctor. I already have a masters in business and teaching, so why not be a doctor too? This can also help me understand better why this has happened to me and the others. I want to know how the human body works, so I can have an idea on how the vampire body works.

"William?" the secretary breaks my thoughts. I see her green eyes look at me.

I smile, "thanks," I check her desk name tag, "Jackie."

I see her cheeks turn bright pink. She might be 40 something but she likes me. She thinks I'm attractive.

"You are all set. You just need to purchase your books."

I nod, "thanks for everything." I ask Jackie before I leave where to buy the books. She points to a building and tells me where to go.

I begin to walk around my new university. It is nice and quiet. Its not too big or small. Its just right.

I am new to this state as well. I have no one to rely on but that's something I am quite use to. I arrive to the bookstore and look for the books.

"Oh snap," I hear a girl in another book aisle. Then I hear books being dropped and she yelps. I run to her. She is trying to pick the heavy books from the floor.

"Let me help you," I say. I get all the books in my hands and put them back to the shelves.

"Thanks" she says. I turn to the sweet voice direction. She is beautiful.

She has her light brown hair loose. Her hazel eyes sparkle, she has cute strawberry lips, perfect nose, and a cute little body to perfect her image of a good girl. She is wearing a pink skirt, a white turtleneck shirt, and a pink headband on her hair.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

I shake my head, "yes. I am just astonished by the beauty I see."

Her natural pink cheeks get light red. She is so cute. She chuckles, "I'm Tracy." She stretches her hand to meet mine. I shake her hand and instantly feel something in my chest. She lets out a quiet moan. She immediately gets her hand back and covers her mouth with it. She is embarrassed.

I smile, "I'm William."

Tracy recovers and nods, "thanks for helping me out. The books were too heavy."

"I see," I say, "do you need help carrying them to your dorm?"

"How does he know?" I hear her think.

"So do you?" I ask her again. She nods, "thanks." I decide to get my books later and help Tracy out. I get five books and we go to the cashier. She pays the books and we start walking to the ladies dorms.

"So where you from?" I ask Tracy.

She flips her hair to the side. "Well I was born in Texas, but I was raised in Utah."

"Awesome," I say. "Are you a freshman?"

"Sophomore. I took some courses in both summers," she answers. She is a smart one too. "How about you?" she asks.

"Well I am from France but came to the US when I was eight," I answer truthfully.

She stops just on the front of the dorms entrance. "really?"

I nod.

She chuckles as her eyes light up even more and her cheeks become darker. "Awesome! That's totally awesome!"

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