Chapter 39: Thanksgiving Day

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Thanksgiving Day:

I help my mom with the turkey. Everything seems okay between my parents. Dad isn't working, so the whole family is here. Dave is in the living room waiting for the football game to begin.

"Is Carter coming?" Mom asks. I close the oven, since I was checking the turkey, and say no. I really haven't told them I was going out with Carter or that we are broke up. They only know I like him.

"Well," Dad says, "he has his family as well Trace."

"I know, I was just wondering," Mom says. She sounds annoyed. I go sit next to Dave and we watch the pre-show of the football game.

"Helen, are mom and dad getting a divorce?" Dave asks.

"What?" I ask, "No, where did you get that idea?"

He shrugs, "I have two friends who only live with their moms."

"Well," I say, "Nothing is official and as long as they are both here, they aren't getting a divorce."

"Okay," Dave returns his attention to the TV. Man, what if they do get a divorce? I don't think Mom or Dad are cheating. They will never do that to each other. My phone rings: JIMMY.

"Hello," He answers.

"Hey dummy," I answer.

"Happy Thanksgiving my friend,"

"Likewise, so you eating turkey?"

"I don't know, my dad is coming over so,"


"So, how did it go with Ashley? Everything okay?"

"Yeah," I smile, "I am going to ask Will to meet her. She deserves to know everything."

"Good, and what about Pamela?"

"Well," I think, "She may only know if her life depends on it."

"Fine, but don't treat her like an outcast," Jimmy says.

"Jimmy, she is our friend, part of the group, I just think she can be chatty sometimes," I say.

"Okay, well, I just wanted to check up on you, see you later?"

"Yeah, bye bye Jimmy."

There's a knock on the door. "I'm going!" I yell. I open the door and see Will. I want to hug him, but control myself.

"Is you dad home?" he asks. I nod and let him come in. "Dad, Mr. Will is here!"

Dad meets him in the living room. "Hey bro, thanks for coming."

"Nice you ask me to come over," Will smiles. "Happy Thanksgiving."

Dad smiles, "Likewise. So, ready for the game?"

"Totally, want to bet?" Will asks. It's cute. I am seeing my dad with Will act like friends. I see how their relationship is.

"Sure, how about a grand?" Dad asks.

"Whoa," Mom comes out of the kitchen, "No way, put that money into something else. Will stop being a teenager."

Will rolls his eyes, "Trace, please, we are taking an adult decision."

I sit on the couch and watch them. It's like I am seeing them when they were younger.

"Well, it's a stupid decision. Now both of you sit and let Helen and I finish the pumpkin pies," Mom says.

"ugh!" I whine, "Why? I hate pumpkin."

Will gets my arm and stands me, "Don't be lazy. Help you mother out." He pulls me to the side and slaps my butt. He sits on the couch and turns the volume. What the? Did anyone see that?

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