Chapter 51: The Betrayal

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*** 1890 ***

Matthew White Jr was born. He was a chubby baby of pink cheeks, white skin, and dark hair.

*** 1891 ***

Frederick White is born. He was born a weak child of only 5 pounds of weight. He looked like his brother though, white skin and dark hair. His father thought he will die and Matthew will become the next in line to run the family bussiness and pass the White name.

*** 1907 ***


I am finally 17 years of age. I can finally do what I want. Well, that's what Frederick says. He is a year younger than me though, he will be 17 soon too.

"Matthew!" Mom yells from the house door. I am siting in the front yard of the barn house looking at our dog Spots playing with a chicken. I turn around to see her worried face.

"What?" I ask.

"You need to help Saunders out please," she says.

I stand and go in the house. I see Ms. Saunders getting her purse. "You ready Mister White?" she asks in thick southern accent.

"Yes miss."

We walk to the small market downtown. I help Ms. Saunders carry the bag of fruits and vegetables. She walks behind me though.

"Mister White, can you get your father's coat from Mr. Richard?" she asks. I nod and put down the bags next to her. I go in the building and ask for my father's coat.

"Rose! Get number 36!" Mr. Richard yells from the counter.

"Yes sir!" a girl's voice yells back. A phone rings and Mr. Richard excuses himself to answer it.

"Here it is," the girl called Rose comes in and puts the coat on the counter.

She looks up at me. My world stops.


"No," she giggles. I convinced Rose to ride the horse with me. She is siting in front of me and leading the horse slowly into the woods. I invited her to a picnic.

"So you don't like me?" I smile at her.

"No! I mean yes, but I don't know," she chuckles. She is nervous.

We finally stop and get down. I settle everything down to enjoy the chicken pies she did for us. We eat in silence like always except this time it's different. I am going to kiss her. I am going to have my first kiss with the woman I love.

"Matthew," she says. She puts her head on my shoulder and holds my hand. "I really do like you."

"Rose," I look at her. I touch her cheek. It is so soft. Her beautiful green eyes look so beautiful against the sun light hitting her brown skin. She is the most beatiful woman on earth.

I lean in and kiss her lips lightly. They taste so nice. She pulls away, "your parents will never accept me."

"I don't care," I say. "Besides, my father likes Frederick better. He is going to run the bussiness after all. They could care less about me."

"Don't be upset," she says, "please."

"How come father trusts him more?" I ask, "I am older and I do know bussiness, it just that-"

"You are soft," Rose says, "You are too nice Matthew."

"I can be mean too, but that is not how a bussiness should be run, honesty and hard work can. I am not stupid, I am going to school, I know how to work on the barn," I say.

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