Chapter 31: Solution

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Helen POV

It has been a week. It is almost Thanksgiving but I am not feeling in the mood. I lost Carter and Ashley hasn't been the same with me. Pamela isn't here since she went on vacation early to Miami.

I still can't believe I told Carter I cheated on him. After that moment, I haven't seen him. I tried to call but he has changed phone number. I am walking around the gym during lunch time to just think and be relaxed.

"Are you alright?"

I stop and look to see Jimmy standing on the entrance. "Hey."

Jimmy walks towards me with his hands inside his jeans pockets. "Exercising helps the brain relax. You get the chill hormones going on inside the brain. It reduces stress."

I hug myself, "smarty pants."

"Helen," Jimmy says.

"Don't say anything. Don't say I am a good person because I am not."

"You are teen,"

"Vampire teen," I roll my eyes.

Jimmy chuckles, "Yep. Twice the teen hormones huh?"

"Is this trying to make me feel better?" I ask.

"I am trying," he answers.

I sigh deeply. "I am loosing everyone I care about. Something is going on with me Jimmy. I think I need to go talk to Nathan before I see Will and Louis."

"Do I go with you?"

"No, it's okay,"

"But you said the guy is weird,"

"I will be fine," I say.

The bell rings for class to begin. "I think I am going to skip for today," I say.

"Okay," Jimmy nods.


I arrive to Nathan's house and knock on the door.

"Hi," I see Mrs. Hallow. She smiles wide, "Oh Helen, come in sweetie."

"Is Nathan here?"

"Well he is at school," she closes the door behind her. "And don't you also have to be in school?"

I chuckle, "Yeah but I wasn't feeling well and I thought that maybe Nathan could help me."

"Oh, well, he comes out early from school. Do you want to stay and have tea with me?"

"Sure." I can ask her questions about Nathan and his dad.

We sit in the dinner table and drink tea with cookies. I ask about how she meet Mr. Hallow.

She smiles wide, "Well, as you know, I was married before but my ex-husband left me only after 10 years. Then just 15 years ago, I met him. I was at the store buying my groceries and I didn't know someone spilled juice. So I was about to slip and he caught me in his arms. Since then, I have been in love."

"That's sweet,"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" she asks.

"No," I frown, "I-I don't."

"Well you should, you have a beautiful face and nice personality,"

""Thanks, so umm, is Nathan your son?"

"No, well she is since I have been there for him all these years, but he isn't my natural born son," she answers.

"So Mr. Hallow is his dad,"

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