Chapter 36: Ch 35 Continued

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I don't have classes since it's already Thanksgiving break. Gavin and Larry invite me for lunch, so I go.
I am waiting for them at the restaurant. I fix my black leather jacket and hair. I have nothing else to do.
"Hey bro," Gavin comes in and sits in front of me. "Where's Larry?"
"He will be here in a bit," I answer.
"and he is here," Gavin smiles. Larry sits next to me. "let's eat!"
We eat and chat about the college. Well Gavin is about to graduate while Larry never went to college, but still.
"So how's the new proffesor?" Gavin asks me.
"Walter?" I ask. "He is great."
"What are you studying again?" Larry asks.
"I am studying to be a teacher, biology teacher," I answer.
"Cool," Larry says.
"Yeah, I know it's kinda not cool, but I need something to cover up what I am really up to," I say.
"Yeah, get you," Gavin says. "Me being an engineer is just a side job."
"And me being a husband is a side job as well," Larry chuckles.
"Aw come on, you love Edna," Gavin exclaims.
"I do, but it kinda sucks I can't tell her," he answers.
No one can know what we do. It is the only way to protect people, especially the ones close to our hearts. It's funny. The first vampire I killed told me something that I hate to agree with. He said that vampires and hunters are the same. We both kill and we both kill to live. The only difference is our hearts. The vampire's heart is dead while ours still beats. Vampire and hunters also have secret lives. We can't get caught.
"Anyways," Larry says, "we are going to meet tomorrow, a day before Thanksgiving to get another pack of blood suckers south of here."
"Wait, the boss talked to you first?" Gavin asks.
"Yeah, he said he needed my advice first, he said that this vampires are different,"
"How different?" I ask.
"They all have abilities, and since I know more about those things, he asked me first," Larry says.
"Okay," Gavin says, "then tomorrow we meet at your place?"
"Cherry's apartment,"
"Cool," I say.


I open the door and see Carter standing there. "Hey," he says, "sorry Mr. Will, I just need to talk."
"It's fine," I let him in. We go to my study room.
"Did you move?" he asks. "I thought you lived closer to the city."
"Yeah, I did, but I decided if I was going to be a professor at the university, I needed to move closer to it," I answer. We go in the study room and sit on the long couch.
"So what's going on?" I ask.
He sighs, "Is being an adult better than being a teenager or young adult?"
"you are asking if it gets better in your late 30s?"
He nods, "Basically."
I chuckle. I know I must hate this guy, but since the days I have been his proffesor and the change I have seen in his character, I just laugh. I get why Helen felt in love with him in the first place.
"Carter, life is always going to throw you piles of shit at you," I say, "you just need to duck or clean it up everytime that happens."
"Nice metaphor," he says.
"You know what I am trying to say right?" I ask.
Carter nods, "Yeah, but, why do I feel like I just mess everything up?"
"Look," I look down at my hands, "I meet you when you were only 12 years old Carter. Remember back in middle schoool, I was your English teacher."
"Yeah," he nods, "you hated me though."
"because you had an attitude," I chuckle, "here was a 5'6 ft 12 year old boy who thought he was better than everyone else when in fact you weren't. You thought you didn't have to do anything since that was how you were raised."
"I always thought that I needed to be tough to get my way, I thought that by being weak it would not get me anywhere."
"You still think that way," I whisper. I see some of his memories and thoughts. "you still act tough when you aren't."
Carter looks at me, "I am tough."
"But you aren't," I say. "you can be brave."
He sighs, "I made my step sister angry at me. I fought with her boyfriend which is my, well, ex best friend."
"Oh Carter," I shake my head, "why?"
"Just stuff happened, I don't know what to do to make it up to her," he answers. "I wish Helen would still talked to me. She would know what to do."
"Helen?" I pretend like I don't know what he is talking about. "Cox's daughter?"
"Yeah," he nods, "She is my ex now. She cheated with this Brad guy."
"Sorry," I say.
"She just told me so coldly like if she didn't care that she hurt me,"
I do feel sorry for Carter. He can't know the truth. But, I don't feel anger in his voice, he still loves her. "You are young," I say, "stuff like that happens."
"Did that happened to you?" Carter asks.
"Sort of, I loved this girl, but turned out she was in love with my best friend. I stepped back because I knew he loved her too."
"You still talk?"
I chuckle and look at him. "It's Helen's dad. Ruth is my best friend."
"What?" Carter begins to laugh. "I can't believe it! You loved Mrs. Cox?"
"Wait, why didn't I know you were friends with Mr. Cox?"
"You never asked me or Helen,"
"So, do you still like her?"
"I appreciate her beauty, but I don't. Someone else has my love," I answer.
"Cool," Carter nods. "I'm glad."
"So," I stand, "do you want to go over next week's quiz?"
"Shit!" Carter stands quickly. "There's a quiz?"
"Well, if you didn't miss school, you have known," I cross my arms. "Why were you absent?"
"I'm sorry," he says, "I am actually going to do some studying. Thanks for everything Doc!" Carter runs out of the house. Man, that kid is slow sometimes. I can't believe he wants to be a teacher. I wonder why.


I am standing outside Ashley's house. Mrs. Porter doesn't allow me in. She says Ashley is grounded. She doesn't tell me why though. I have been calling her but no answer.
I turn around and see Carter. "What are you doing here?" I randomly ask.
"I live here," he says.
Oh duh! Don't be stupid Helen. "I'm looking for Ashley but your mom doesn't let me in."
He sighs, "She's grounded. My dad won't allow any visitors."
"But, I need to talk to her," I say.
Carter shrugs, "I'm sorry. My parents won't allow it."
"Why? What did she do? Did she try shop lift?"
"Helen, can you please leave?" Mrs. Porter opens the door. I turn to her, "Please, I need to talk to-"
"me," Carter says. "Mom, she is here to see me."
"But she said-"
"I know, but well," Carter gets my hand, "Ashley was going to help her fix our problem, but" he looks down at me, "I love her and we don't need anyone's help. Right Helen?"
"Umm," I nod.
"Oh, so wait," Mrs. Porter walks towards us. "you guys are offically dating?!"
"Yeah," Carter smiles.
What? No! No?
"Okay, well come in, leave the door wide open," Mrs. Porter says. We go in the house. I try to open Ashley's door but Carter pulls me to his room.
"Why did you tell her we are going out?" I ask.
"I just,"
"We can't be," I whisper.
"Why did you cheat?"
"Stop asking!"
Carter wraps his arms around me and pushes to me towards him. We are nose to nose. "How can you just forget about me?" he asks. "I thought you loved me."
"I-you were my first crush Carter. You were my first time," I say. "I don't want to hurt you anymore."
"Just tell me why. Was it because we didn't hang out much? Or I didn't satisfy you?"
I cover his mouth with my fingers. "That night was great and I still have feelings for you but those feelings are changing into something else."
He cups my face and kisses me. It is sweet, but my heart doesn't beat like it used to. I pull away, "I'm sorry. I really am. I never wanted to cheat on you. I can't explain it, but I am not in love with Brad."
"You don't?"
"I am not with him and never was. It just happened. I don't even remember it. We are friends though. He knows how I feel towards him,"
"So why not try again?"
I step back, "because I need to find out something."
"How long will that take?" Carter asks.
"As long as I get my answer," I kiss his cheek. "Can you please just tell Ashley I came over? To at least call me?"
"Sure," Carter says. I feel good. I know he is still angry at me, but his soul feels light. He kissed me, so that means he still loves me. I know I am Will's now, but I know Carter will always be my first love.
I wave goodbye and leave to my house.
He is driving me crazy! He-he is so amazing. I want more and more.
Will drives his hips into me, making his manhood go deeper into me. It feels me so good! I am moaning so loudly. My own moans turns me on.
"Faster!" I yell. Will bites my neck and begins to suck blood out. The intesity and pleasure go way up. His hips go faster and faster.
"Fuck, fuck," I can't believe I am saying this. It is just so good!
He licks the bite and kisses me. He is moaning loudly between the kiss. "Oh shit, oh Helen," he moans. I wrap my legs around him and push him into me even more. I feel him in my womb.
"Hmmm," I moan. "Will!"
"Don't, don't come," he groans. "I will tell you when Helen."
"Please please!" I yell. I can't take it. My flower will explode. The pleasure is so intense! I just want to come all over him.
He sucks on my breasts and begins to slow down. No. No. Don't stop!
He reads my mind and chuckles, "Get on your stomach." He turns me and I am laying on my stomach. I feel his manhood get out and along stretching me. Will gets me from the hips and pushes my ass out. He kisses it and tells me I am beautiful.
"Hmm," I am so nervous yet filled with exciment. I want him to do whatever he wants.
I feel his diick enter my wet flower again. "Yes!" I say. I can't take it!

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