Chapter 15: Halloween

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Pamela gave me an invitation yesterday at school. The address looks so familar but I can't remember where I seen it before. It is Friday a good day to celebrate this day.

I get ready in my room. I am just going for the whole gothic look. I put a puffy short black skirt, long sleeve tight v-neck shirt, black flats, and red lipstick. I put a bit of gray eyeshadow and eyeliner. I leave my hair straight and long.

"Hey," Mom comes in. She has a pumpking t-shirt and jeans.

"Hey, do you like my outfit?"

"You look," she thinks, "cute."

I chuckle, "I look weird I know."

She smiles, "Well Jimmy is downstairs."

"Okay," I get my phone and walk to the living room. I see Jimmy dressed like Scott Pilgrim.

"Nice," he smiles.

I twirl, "I know."

"Be careful," Mom kisses my cheek. She never does that, well she did but when I was younger.

"I will," I smile. I take Jimmy's arm and we go to my car.


Jimmy puts the address on his GPS in his smart phone. He tells me its Will's house. I stop, "Whoa! What?"

He nods, "It's Will's home."

"How did Pamela get Will's house to do a party?" I ask.

"I am clueless like you are."

I drive fast to Will's house and sure there is lots of teenage cars parked outside his house. I run inside and see a grand party going on. The living room has been cleared and it is a dancefloor. The DJ is on top on the stairs playing loud hip pop music. I try to find Will but Pamela stops in front of me.

"Hey! Glad you made it!" she yells over the music.

Jimmy catches up, "Hey."

"How did you get this place?" I ask.

"My dad knows the owner. He is cool."

I sigh, "Is he here?"

"Nope, he needed to make a trip so he lend me the house."

I look at Jimmy. He just shrugs. So Will left without telling me anything? I wonder if Emilia is here. I run to the kitchen but the door is locked.

Then I spot Ashley talking to one of Carter's friends. She is wearing a lady bug costume while the guy is a zombie.

"Hey," I smile. The place is a bit quiet than the living room.

Ashley hugs me, "Hi. Nice outfit."

I chuckle, "So nice party and place."

"Totally! I was so happy when Pam found this place. It has this like mystery feeling towards it."

"Hi," the zombie dude speaks.

"Oh its Alex Wu," Ashley smiles.

Oh, Carter's best friend. Wait so is Carter here?

"How you been Helen?" Alex asks me.

"Good thanks. So is Carter here?" I ask him.

He nods, "he is dancing with a girl."


"Cool, well I'm going to get a drink. Talk to you later."

I quickly walk out of there and look for Jimmy. I suddenly feel dizzy and my throat feels tingly. The scent of blood strikes me. I am trying hard not to breathe right now. I cover my nose and go to Will's room but a guy stops me.

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