Chapter 20: Helping a Wolf..

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I call my Dad telling him I am going to hang out with Jimmy and Ashley. I call Ashley then and tell her what happened. She starts to freak out and can't believe it.

"What?!" she exclaims. I have her on speaker so Jimmy tells her to control herself. "Look we called you because you are part of this crazy thing. We need to know what you know about werewolves."

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"you know like in the movies and books. What does it say about werewolves?" I ask her.

She sighs, "Well the whole new moon thing that they change. They can't control their anger once upset. They are hairy. They have the ability to completely change into a wolf. I don't know! I can't remember with this pressure."

"It's fine," I say. "I will call you later. We are at his house."

"Okay okay, well I'm going to do some research then. Be careful Helen."

"Yeah, don't worry. Bye."

We run towards the door and ring the door bell.

I hear Lozanno's voice, "Coming!!" He opens the door and smiles, "Hey Helen, what up?"

"Hey, is your dad home?" I ask.

"Yeah, he is showering. He is super tired," he answers.

"Can we come in?" I ask.

"Sure," Lozanno fully opens the door.

"Stay with him," I whisper to Jimmy, "I'll go check on Brad."

Jimmy nods, "So Lozanno, I am Jimmy."

"Cool," Lozanno says, "You want to play sonic?"


I walk upstairs and follow his scent. I hear the shower as I get closer to the bathroom. I hit the jackpot and slowly open the door. I feel all the humidity from the hot water. I see Brad's back. He is just standing there with the water running down on him. There is a glass shower door hiding all his manhood.

"Brad," I whisper.

He turns to me, "Helen?"

I close the door behind me and stare at him. "Brad, you okay?"

"I-I am loosing my mind. I don't know what is happening," he says.

I get closer to him, "It is fine. I am okay now. You are okay now."

He shakes his head, "No no I am not. I am getting insane and-and I just can't think straight anymore. I am trying but I can't control it."

"I know what you are. And I think you have an idea of what I am," I say.

"Stuff like this doesn't exist Helen," Brad whimpers.

"I said the same thing but you need to trust me," I say. "Get out of the shower and meet me downstairs."

He nods, "Okay."

I go back to the living where Jimmy is playing with Lozanno video games. Soon, Brad comes downstairs. He has a gray shirt and jeans with white sneakers.

"Lozanno, ve a tu cuarto," Brad says.

"Dad, but-"

"Go now," Brad orders. Lozanno says goodnight to both of us and goes to his room. Jimmy stands and comes to my side. He wraps his arm around my waist.

"It's okay," I whisper. "He won't hurt me."

"I won't take a chance," Jimmy says. "I may only weight like 130 pounds but that doesn't mean I can't protect you."

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