Chapter 35: Thanksgiving Break Part II

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Next day:

I call Jimmy to meet me up at Will's house. I called Will to see if Paris and Louis are still there. I want Brad to know what happened. I need Paris help.

I get in my car and drive away. Soon, I arrive to Will's house. Jimmy is waiting for me outside his car. "Hey," I say as I walk to the door.

"Why do you need me here?" Jimmy asks.

"Because right after this, we are going to Ashley's house. I need to tell her everything," I answer. I knock on the door and Emilia is smiling at us. "Come in."

As soon as I enter the living room, I smell everyone. I see Paris, in a navy blue dress, siting next to Louis. They are drinking tea.

"Hey," I say, "afternoon."

"Hello Helen," Louis smiles.

"Where is the wolf man?" Paris asks.

"He will be coming in a bit," I answer.

Then his scent invades the room. "Hello Jimmy, Hey Helen."

I turn to my side and Will is standing next to me. He has a casual outfit with jeans. He looks great.

"Thanks," he whispers.

I chuckle, "So, is everyone cool that Brad will know everything?"

"Sure," Will says.

Then the doorbell rings and comes in Brad. "hello," he says.

"Sit sit," Emilia says. We all sit down. I sit with Brad and Jimmy. Will is standing in the front.

"Anything you guys need?" she asks.

Louis smiles, "We are all well, thanks for asking Emilia."

Emilia rolls her eyes and leaves to the kitchen. I notice she doesn't have her maid outfit anymore. She has a black long sleeve dress. Is she still with Will?

"Oh Helen, aren't you cute?" I hear Paris in my head. I look at her and she smiles. Ugh, forgetting she can fully read my mind.

"So what up?" Brad breaks the silent.

"Helen told you about what happened between both of you?" Paris asks.

"Yes," Brad answers.

"Well, to not make a long story even longer, can you please sit next to me? I will show you everything," Paris lightly smiles. Brad looks at me, "Do I?"

I nod, "It's the only proof I can give you."

Louis stands and sits next to me and Brad sits next to Paris. She gets his hand and it takes seconds before he can react. She lets go of his hand.

"Everything okay?" Will asks.

Brad sighs and looks at me. "I'm sorry." He quickly stands and leaves the house. I run outside but he disappears. Then I smell wet dog, and know he changed.

"Did he turn?" Jimmy asks. I turn around, "Yeah."

"Is he going to be okay? Do we go after him?" Jimmy asks.

"No," Will answers. He is standing in the doorway. "He will be fine."

"Well then, we are off," Louis steps outside as well. "Nice to see you again."

"Thanks for everything," I say.

Paris comes outside as well with a pink suitcase. "You owe us."

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