Got Bitten By My Dad's Best Friend

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"Wake up Helen,"

A deep yet soft voice wakes me up from my sleep. Gosh, did I pass out during the party?

My vision finally is clear and I see a white ceiling with a fancy chandelier. I slowly sit and feel sore everywhere espiecally from my neck.

"Helen, are you okay?"

I turn to where the question came from and see him. He doesn't have a shirt only his black jeans with no shoes. He has his hair messed up and very red eyes as if he was crying.

"Why am I not in my house right now?" I ask. I look around and see an office. There is a wooden old desk with design and shelves full of books. I am siting on a long couch.

"I didnt wan't to wake you up. You looked so peaceful and out of pain," he says.

Okay, what in the world happened?

"Well, I want to go home."

I stand and look for my shoes. I still have my black dress on so that is a good sign.

"Sorry, you can't go,"

"Why not?"

"Because you are mine forever,"

Okay, what in the world? Is this guy high on something? I don't belong to anyone, no sir!

"Okay, weirdo, I am going home. You don't know me at all,"

I walk pass by him and a mirror. I see a weird thing as I pass by it. I slowly walks backwards and turn to see my reflection on the mirror. Maybe I have a new zit, great...

"What the hell?" I ask out loud.

My face is becoming a blur. What is wrong with this mirror?

Then I see myself again. My eyes are the color of blood. My face is wrinkle, zit, mole, redness free.

"Helen, sweetie, sorry,"

I turn to see Mr. William. He looks sad and upset with himself. Why is he sorry for? Why did he call me sweetie?

Okay, I'm totally freaking out!

"Helen, do you believe in myths and legends?" he sighs, "How about vampires?"

No, shit, no, wait...

"I turned you into a vampire," Mr. William says.

Ha, no, he is kidding!


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