Chapter 13: A night to remember

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*Includes mature scenes*

I suddenly open my eyes. I look around and find myself in the couch. I feel my neck but there is no cut and the couch is clean of blood. I call Dave and he comes in drinking water, "yeah?"

"What happened?" I ask him.

"You feel asleep suddenly in Coach Brad's arms. He started freaking out and called me. I told him you have narcolespy since like 9 years old so he calmed down," Dave answers.

I dont have that anymore, well I do but it's been under control. And I didn't even think I can have that anymore since I am a vampire now. I'm not normal anymore.

"You okay now? I called mom and she is coming," Dave says.

"Yeah yeah just got surprised. I haven't had a sleep attack in a while. Did Brad say anything?"

"No but he said he was going to call to check up on you. He got worried."

I nod, "Thanks Dave."

"Sweetie?" mom comes in worried. "how are you feeling now?" She sits next to me and feels my head.

"I'm okay mom. It's okay."

"Dave, did you call your dad?"

"No, should I?"

"It's okay," she kises my cheek, "I'm going to get dinner ready. Want to help?"

"Nope," I run to my room and call Ashley.
"Okay friend, so did Carter give you the rose?" she asks.

"Wait, how you know? Did you tell him?"

She giggles, "Yes! I know you always wanted for someone to give you a rose. Did he screw that up too?"

"No, he was sweet but-"

"But what?"

"I said no."

Ashley yells, "What? What is wrong with you? Seriously Helen, do you want to be hard to get?"

"Don't get mad!"

"I'm not Helen, it is just that why don't you want to be with him?"

"I do! I just can't! I don't know anymore!" I yell.

"Don't yell," Ashley whispers.

I breathe in and try to get calm. "Sorry I just need time and I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I just want my best friend and brother to be happy."

"I know," I sigh.

"Are you alright?"

It sucks so much not to able to talk to my best friend. How can I keep hiding all of this?

"Yes just tired of the drama. I promise you that I will fix of all this soon."

"Okay, love you friend."

"me too bye," I hang up.


I sneak out at night to go to Will's house. I run to his house and knock. He opens the door and smiles. "come in."

"Is Emilia asleep?"I ask.


"Okay," I smile. I kiss his cheek, "Can I stay the night?"

"Totally," he smirks.

I slap his arm, "Not what you are thinking mister."

I run to his bedroom and sit. He comes after me and smiles, "So what do you want to do?"

Got Bitten By My Dad's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now