Chapter 11

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(Timeskip to later that night)

Tris POV

I am making my way to the initiates room with Four hot on my heels. I open the door and he walks in and yells "Time to get up, get dressed and meets us at the train tracks in 10!" and he makes he way back over to my side. When they start to walk up more I hear smart ass comments like "Why the hell do we have to get up?" and others like "Well whatever it is it can wait till the morning!"

"Well if you wait till the morning you will become factionless. Now get your sorry asses up and get a move on you don't make it to the train in time leave Dauntless!" I yell and with that they all scramble to their feet. I make my way to Four side in the hallway and start toward the train

Tobias POV

I see Tris walking back to me with a few of the others trailing her behind. I turn when she's at my side and we make our way to the train.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++10 minuets later++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

(say in spongebob voice!)

It's been 10 minutes and I can hear the train coming in the distance, we are missing about 2 initiates and the train is now perfectly in sight. The train comes rushing past us and we all start running toward the open car doors. I'm the first in and I help Tris in next and let the rest of them fend for themselves.

"Well do you know who didn't make it?" I ask Tris.

"Well I didn't see Connor or Lily in the dorm room when we were there and I don't see them now." She replies with a shrug and I make a mental note to tell Eric later.

I walk around on the train to find Eric so we can pick teams but the only person I find is Max.

"Hey Max where is Eric is he to chicken this year?" I ask

"No I'm sorry Four but Eric has been charged for the murder of your father." He says with a sympathetic look on his face but before I can answer Tris comes up behind and asks where Eric is and Max has to explain it again this time it's worse for me to hear.

"Four if you like we may cancel the game and just not do it this year." he says

"Well I guess we should I would like to talk to Eric myself." I say and he yell to the initiates that there has been a change in plans and that there is going to be no game this year. Tris hasn't said anything yet, she has been handing my hand and rubbing my back.

Once Max is done there a sudden rush of noises coming from the initiates, but I don't hear them all I can hear are my thoughts rushing through my head and I take a set on the ground and place my hand on Tris's shoulder and just think things through.

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