Chapter 14

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Tris POV

It's about 4:30 when I wake up. This time I am in my own bed with Tobias next to me.I silently get up to make breakfast but as soon as I move Tobias grabs me by the waist and pulls me into his embrace.

"Tobias, I was going to make breakfast." I say but he goes on kissing me on my cheek and down my neck. I finally give in.

Tobias POV

I fell back to sleep after Tris embraced me. Now I let her go and I get a shower and get ready for work. Today is the first day back to work since training. When I get out of the shower Tris is still asleep in the bed.

"Tris, come on Tris time to get up." I say softly, she groans and turns over. "Come on Tris, today after work we get to pick out the cake and the theme of the wedding." and with that she was slowly making her way out of bed and to the shower.

Once she is in the shower I go out and make breakfast. Eggs and bacon for both of us. Tris comes out 20 minutes later all dressed for work at the tattoo parlor.

"Very well dressed hon." I say

"You to." she smiles and takes a seat across from me. We didn't talk much during breakfast. Once we were done We make our separate ways to work. I arrive at the control room 5 minuets early and I'm the only one here. I start my work and before I know it, it is 1:30 and my shift is over. I lock the door to the control room and make my way to the tattoo parlor.

Before I'm there I stop to get Christina. Already a month along and shes starting to show.

"Hey Christina. How have you been." I ask

"Well... I've had morning sickness and had a craving for mushrooms. So yeah I'm great" she replies as she shuts and locks the door.

"Where's Jade?"

"Oh she had a father, daughter day with Will."

We make it to the parlor in 5 minutes. Tris is outside on the bench. When she sees us she gets up and comes over.

"Hey Christina you look great." She says

"Thanks, but I feel like shit." says Christina and Tris laughs then she gives me a hugeand we make our way to the kitchen.

"I will make a deal with you." I say

"Oh you will. And what's the deal?" she asks

"I get to pick the cake and you get to pick the theme."

"Oh, let me guess the cake." says Christina "Dauntless cake?" I smile and we make our way to the kitchen.

Tris POV

We walk in the kitchen to start the testing. There is red velvet, dauntless cake, vanilla, peach, strawberry and so many more that I am stuffed halfway through the testing. I have to tell the chef too stop bringing the cake because we already knew what cake we were picking from the beginning. Dauntless cake, only because I can pick the theme.

Christina is still testing the cake, probably for their baby shower. Butt Tobias and I leave them to it and we head back to our apartment and I start to think about what theme I want the wedding to be.

I sit down on the couch while Tobias is sitting at the table looking at some bills we have to pay. After awhile of thinking I hear Tobias whisper me over to his side.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask worried.

"Oh, nothing is wrong I was just looking over the numbers, to see what we have to spend on the wedding, but if we don't spend that much I found we will have enough to put a down payment on  a bigger apartment, for if we wanted children." he says with a smile.

I think over what he just told me and I smile "Mr. Eaton I would love to buy a bigger apartment with you. Where will this new place be located at." I ask.

"Well I found one a few down from Will and Christina. We can make the first down payment next week if we want that and we can move in too." He says with a smile.

"Okay well write the check then!" I say with great excitement. I can't wait to tell Christina. "Wait, don't tell Will or Christina, I want it to be a surprise when she sees us moving in." He nods and continues to punch numbers into the computer.

I give him a kiss on the cheek and I go back to sitting and thinking on the couch. After another 15 minutes I finally have a theme that matches my dress perfectly.

"I stand up and say "I know what the theme is going to be..."

"Well don't keep me in suspense just tell me." he says

"It is going to be a night in Neverland." I smile thinking how sexy I am going to look in my gown and him in his tux. It is going to be a magical night.

He stands up and walks up next to me, grabs me by the hips and whispers in my ear "Sounds great I can't wait to see my beautiful bride."

I smile and say "But we still need to pick a date."
"Well it's already September so how about we do it in February?" he asks 
"That sounds perfect maybe there will even be snow to match the theme." I say

Going over to the computer to write an email to Christina. In the email I include the date, some people we were thinking of inviting and the theme and I let Christina take it from there.

It takes her about 10 minutes to answer me and she asks to meet me later.

I tell Tobias bye  and give him a kiss and head over to Christina's house to start planning.

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