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Natasha and May stayed in a motel that night and began to write up the extract. They fell asleep and then woke up early in the morning, ready for their journey back to Manhattan.

"Rise and Shine sleeping beauty." Natasha sang, whilst poking May in the back.

"Hmm. Is that how you wake up everyone else in the morning?" She groaned whilst getting up.

"Na, I'm being nice. With the rest, I tend to throw water, if not blow me a trumpet." Natasha smirked.

"Yeah, you are the ideal team mate." May joked.

"Why thank you May. Hurry up, were an hour late. It's my fault, I woke up late. I'm used to having Captain Rogers wake me up." She said whilst brushing her teeth.

"Oh, if you hear the way Agent 13 goes on about him, you would die. It's alway Steve, this, Steve that. She's like a broken record." May stresses.

"Carter? I though it was her and Ward?" Natasha asked.

"Said yourself 'was.' They ended, after Ward was on Iron Mans side. I'm not surprised she was on Steve's side." May pointed out.

"I should have seen it coming." Natasha shook her head.

"We all have."

They both got in the car and drove back to SHIELD headquarters, where they were slowly went up the stairs, still talking about Carter, until they saw the Avengers standing outside Fury's office.

"Why are they here?" May whispered.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." She whispered. "Why are you here?" Natasha called out loud, catching the attention of them.

"Nat, Thank God." Clint sighed.

"Thanks Dad. What happened?" Natasha asked.

"You! We though something had happened. You were gone for 2 days." Steve said.

"Took you 2 days to notice? Genius. I told Thor, where is he?" Natasha asked.

The life doors opened and Thor came in munching Pop Tarts.

"Lady Natasha, Is on a mission." He said whilst gulping his food.

"Already here, genius." She mumbled underneath her breath. "Excuse us."

Natasha and May entered Fury's office leaving the guys outside. They knew they were in trouble, for showing up Natasha at work.

"Thor? Where the hell were you?" Steve asked.

"I was out with Lady Jane. I went and bought Pop Tarts, when I remember about a Lady Tasha. I came back here as soon as, to bear you the news." Thor said.

Just as Bruce was about to contribute, the door slammed loudly, that made Tony yelp, and jump into Clint's arm.

"You can't help yourself's can you? Your acting like a bunch of babies, ever since we moved in together. I've had it up to here. Your lucky I'm not yelling." She whispered.

"Tasha, we are really sorry. Can we make it up to you?" Bruce asked.

"You can't and won't." She sighed.

"Why not?" Steve asked.

"Because...I'm moving outta here."

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